Chapter 68

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Bella's POV

I was putting our laundry in our closets while keeping a listening ear on the splashing water in the bathroom. I smiled at the melodic giggles that echoed out the door. He was so adorable. Justin had came home last night after spending two extra days in the hospital after he woke up just to watch his brain activity. After two days, they gave us the ok to leave and we did happily.

"Shit!" I yelp as I step on one of Justin's hangers. I hear a gasp from the bathroom. "Kitten! That's a bad word. Don't say that!" Justin yells appalled. "Oh sorry. My foot didn't just fall off or anything. Thanks for the concern." I huff, massaging the bottom of my foot. He just giggles again and I roll my eyes. It's not like he's never said it. He's just in his innocent baby mode.

After finishing the laundry, I walk into the bathroom and see Justin playing with the two rubber duckies I had bought him when I first found him. "Okay. Mrs. Ducky, you have to kiss Mr. Ducky because you love each other very much. Just like Kitten and I, but we obviously love each other more because we're real." he giggles to himself as he makes the plastic beaks touch in a 'kiss'. "There. Now you can go get married and have lots of b-babies." He looks slightly upset and stutters at the word 'babies' but quickly bounces back as I decide it's time for me to walk all the way in.

"Hey Kitten. Mr. and Mrs. Ducky are getting married! Did you know that? We are obviously cuter though." He plays with the rubber ducks and takes glances at me every few seconds. "Wow! Are the really getting married?" I decide to play along. "Yeah. Everyone's going to be there. Mr. Bear's going to be the preacher." He talks about the brown fluffy stuffed bear that he occasionally carries around the house.

"Well I can't wait." I laugh and smile at his childlike innocence while sitting on the side of the tub. "Have you even bathed?" I ask in a fake stern tone. He looks up with a sheepish shy smile and puppy dog eyes. "Not yet. Sorry Kitten." he whispers, pulling his knees to his chest. "You have been in here for over an hour! You're getting all pruny." I grab his hand and show him his pruny fingers. He giggles. "They look like little raisins." he says looking up at me and smiling. "And the water is freezing!" I yelp as I put my toes in the water. "I know. I don't know how to turn the hot water on." he pouts and I finally notice his teeth chattering from the cold. "Oh baby. Here lets drain this cold water and put more hot water in." I say. He nods and jumps up and out of the tub, standing there butt naked and unashamed.

"Okay then." I say pulling my eyes away from his very well hung dick and leaning down to drain the water. After a few minutes, the cold water is drained and the new hot lavender infused bath was ready...for the second time. "Okay baby.You can get in." He quickly hops back in and sighs in relief and relaxation. He leans over and lays his head on my thighs as his arms wrap around my legs which were submerged in the warm water. "Okay. Hair first." I say picking up the detachable shower head and wetting his hair when he sits back up.

Justin liked it when I bathed him instead. It's just one of his weird little quirks. He probably just wants me to touch him since all he does is purr the entire time I wash him, which he was doing now. It was a gentle relaxing hum of a purr. The rhythm and speed told me that he was content and felt protected. I read up on this on the Hekoran information site. I know everything Justin does like the back of my hand. All of his purrs and all of his little innocent weird things have different meanings.

I lather his hair with his amazing smelling shampoo while he covers his eyes with his hands. "Don't get shampoo in bunny's eyes. Okay, kitten? It burned last time." He says turning his head in my direction but still not uncovering his eyes. "Hey! You're the one who opened their eyes when I was washing it out!" I laugh and playfully roll my eyes. He sighs in defeat. "I know." he mumbles sheepishly as I laugh.

After the battle of washing his hair, I move to his torso and back. "I want that one." Justin points at the eucalyptus body wash. I nod and squirt it on the washcloth. I wash his abs and chest then move to his underarms. He squirms and giggles loudly since it tickled. "Are you done?!" he laughs out. "No, I think you need to raise them." I smile mischievously which he doesn't see. He lifts his arms trustingly. Big mistake. I attack his armpits with my fingers and he explodes in laughter while trying to get away from me. "S-stop! I trusted you!" He laughs out, kicking his legs and grabbing my arms in his super strong grip. It doesn't hurt though, it was very gentle but firm.

He leans over in my face, eyes sparkling in laughter and happiness. "That wasn't very nice, kitten!" He smiles, a cute deep dimple appearing on his chubby cheek. "Aw your little dimple! I must kiss it!" I lean over, kissing and smooching all over his chubby cheek like a mother kissing it's baby's cheek. I always have to kiss his cheeks. They were too adorably chubby and I couldn't resist. It also makes him smile so I just do it.

Our laughter is broken by a huge roar of thunder and Justin jumps terrified. His lip quivers for a few seconds before inky black tears come streaming. "B-bella!" He stutters, leans over, and buries his face into my stomach, effectively soaking me with his wet hair. "It's okay, bunny. It's just a little storm. C'mon, lets go get you dressed." I quickly finish washing him and stand up to help him out as he sobs in fear. The thunder just kept roaring and disturbing Justin's mental peace. He was deep in his innocent baby mode and probably wasn't coming out of it for a few days.

"M-make it stop, Bella!" he screeches and jumps as a bolt of lightning flashes outside the window, making the candle lit bathroom bright for a split second. "Oh baby. I can't control the weather." I sigh sympathetically and kiss his forehead as he clings to me in fear. I wrap a towel around him and drag him into the bedroom where I hand him some boxers, the only thing he likes to sleep in and I was definitely okay with that. He quickly pulls them on and races to the bed when the thunder boomed again, making the house shake. He then snuggled, squirmed, and buried his whole body under the covers. He looked like a big bump in the middle of the bed, his huge ass in the air just like at the hospital and the 'talking devil box'. "Oh Justin. What am I going to do with you?" I laugh and climb under the covers with his where he clings to me, sucking his thumb and jumping every time thunder rumbled and lightning flashed.

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