Chapter 67

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Justin's POV

"It's been two weeks! When is my baby going to wake up, Doctor?" I feel Bella's fingers brush through my now clean hair, which was freshly washed with a sponge by Bella. I inwardly purr contently at her soft, tender, and caring touch. I had been in a coma-like state for, apparently, two weeks. I would have woken up earlier but I had hit my head on the counter which caused some brain damage. I was okay though. My alien genes were slowly fixing it, which explains the coma. When I finally wake up, my brain will be all fixed and normal.

"I'm not sure, Mrs.Bieber. His brain seems to be nicely healing though so not much longer. Any day now, I'm guessing." I inwardly grin like a cheshire cat at the doctor calling my princess, Mrs. Bieber. I hope that I would make that true in the near future. After I get out of this damned coma, of course.

Bella's lips come in contact with my own for a quick chaste peck and I just want to scream because I can't respond. I'm guessing the doctor left since she was showing major PDA, nuzzling her nose along my jawline and pecking my earlobe. My body practically vibrates and tingles in pleasure. "I just want to see your beautiful eyes, babyboy. They always sparkled with adoration, love, and happiness when I was around. I'm so sorry for being so mean to you, Justin. If you wake up now I will forgive you then and there. I miss you so much, bunny." I can feel her bury her head into my neck and start to sob. My heart was clenching at the heartbreaking noise and that I couldn't scoop her up in my strong protective arms and nuzzle her until she stopped.

I try my hardest and strain to comfort her. Suddenly I hear gasp. "Justin, move your finger again!" I hear her say in a giddy excited voice. Wow that actually worked? I strain harder and harder just wanting to see her beautiful smile. I could actually feel myself coming out of the darkness as my eyes start fluttering. "Oh my god! Come on baby! You can do it, bunny." She grips my hand and intertwines our fingers which only makes me try harder.

All of a sudden, I can see a blank white ceiling then Bella's face pops up in front of my eyes as she leans over my body. "Justin, you're awake!" I feel myself start to purr loudly at the sight of her and the sound of her voice. "H-hi Kitten. Did y-you miss me?" I weakly smile teasingly, my voice cracking from my parched throat. That and my normal stutter made me sound like a dying frog. She giggles at the sound of my voice and nods violently. She just stands there and stares at me in awe then grins mischievously. I know whats coming next and I just grin in utter happiness. She obviously had forgiven me.

She attacks my naturally chubby cheeks and I can't help but giggle and wrap my weak arms around her leg which was the only thing I could reach with the IV. "You're just so adorable! I missed that sound so much." She mumbles through her obsessive daily attack of my chubby cheeks. "Bellaaaa." I playfully whine even though I didn't want her to stop. I hadn't felt the feeling of her lips in over three weeks. I had learned my lesson and I would never put my hands on Bella harshly again.

"Is Bunny f-forgiven?" I ask innocently, looking down and playing with her fingers after we settle down. "Definitely. I think you learned your lesson. I'm so sorry for neglecting you, baby." She leans over and pecks my lips in which I quickly and passionately respond to. I pout when she pulls away and she just pokes my pouty lip with her finger. "It's okay. I deserved it." I look down and mess with the itchy wool blanket in shame. She leans over and presses her lips to my forehead and that makes me smile.

"We should probably tell the doctor that you are awake." she mutters, walking out of the room in search for him. I look around in boredom and notice buttons on the side of my bed. I press the 'up' arrow and the top of my bed starts moving. I gasp and giggle in shock and excitement. I start pressing many buttons and my bed moves up and down in response. In curiosity, I press one with a phone on it and suddenly a voice sounds from a box next to my hospital bed

"Yes, Is there anything you need?" I screech in fright and scramble around to pull the covers over my head scared of the magic box. "Hello?" the voice sounds again and I start to cry and shake in fear under the blanket. After all my frantic movements, my butt was sticking up in the air and my face was buried into my pillow with the blanket as my protector. I was surprised my iv hadn't gotten pulled out. Bella then decides to walk back in and I pop only my face and arm out. I screech, tears still streaming, and frantically point at the talking magic devil box. "M-make it s-stop!" I whimper in fear as it keeps talking and asking if there was anyone there.

Bella smiles at my innocence but then frowns at my tears. "No sorry. He accidentally pushed the button." Bella says back to the evil box. "Oh okay. Have a nice day." It talks back and I only cry more, tugging and gripping on Bella's shirt in fright. "It's just the nurse up front, bunny." Bella smooths back my hair and sits on the bed. I crawl out from under the blanket and into her lap, even though I know I was way too big. I quietly cry into her neck and start to suck my thumb.

My tears soon subside but my thumb sucking doesn't as I play with my fringe and snuggle my face in between her breasts. She just laughs and starts to play with my hair also. "The doctor will be here soon. He's with an other patient right now." I nod and just bury my face between her breasts more, innocently. I was pretty comfortable if I do say so myself. I was happy to be back.

Alien (Justin Bieber Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ