"Have you talked to him?" Karen asks me as she stuffs her mouth with a forkful of spaghetti.

"No." I look down at the plate in front of me and question whether I am hungry or not.

"Why not?" She speaks with a full mouth as she chews the pasta in her mouth.

"I don't know. He hasn't called." I respond as I pick up the fork that lays next to my plate.

"And you haven't called him?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I tried calling him yesterday, I got his voicemail." I say flatly and bring the fork full of spaghettis to my mouth.

"So call him again." She says almost as if it were the obvious thing to do.

"Karen, I have a headache, can we talk about something else? I don't know, maybe about the temperature or something." I close my eyes as my head pounds.

"Ok. It's raining. Now what?"

I open my mouth to speak but am cut off when Karen's phone buzzes and makes the entire table vibrate.

"Hm." She says as she stares at the screen of her phone. "It's your friend, Eleanor." She looks at me and passes the phone to me.

"How? When did you get her number?" I ignore the vibration of the phone in my hand momentarily.

"When Harry was at the hospital, we swapped numbers. Pick up the phone." She answers and continues to eat.


"Hello" I say into the phone after I swallow the pasta that was already in my mouth.

"Hey, hi, hello. My name is Eleanor and I am wondering if my best friend has decided to turn into a caveman and not use her phone?" Eleanor says from the other line. I immediately pat my pockets and look around to see if I find my phone.

I cover the mouthpiece of the phone and turn to Karen, "do you know where my phone is?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, El. I don't even know where my phone is, I probably left it upstairs." I sigh.

I've spent this entire day thinking about the future, and what will happen if I never return to London, that I haven't even checked my phone

"Are you alright? You sound terrible." She doesn't hold the truth from me.

"I have a headache." I simply state and wait for her next words.

"Well, I am not sure if the news that I am going to give you will ease the headache or make it worse." She says and I can practically see her smile through the phone.

"What is it, El?" I say in the same monotone that I have been speaking in since the beginning of the phone call.

"It's Harry." Her tone becomes serious and my heart automatically begins beating faster.

"What about him?" My voice gets higher and I can practically feel my heart in my mouth. The thought that something bad has happened to Harry has been one that has not left my mind in the past week.

"He... well, he kind of sort of regained his memory of a certain someone." She plays with her words and in less than a second the phone drops from my hand and hits the table. Karen shrieks but quickly picks up the phone and speaks into it.

She quickly puts it on speaker and asks Eleanor to repeat what she had previously said.

"Eleanor, this is not something that should be made into a joke." I grow angry, how can she possibly play with my feelings in this way?

"Julianne, why would I joke about this?" She becomes serious again. "Louis called me and told me that Harry started talking to him and the boys about you. He mentioned the pool party, something about you being allergic to nuts, and even talked about when he went with you to America, and your favorite breakfast." She explains.

"No. You're joking. How?" My voice gets louder. I quickly get up and run up the stairs with the phone. I scan my entire room for my phone and rush to it when I see it lying on the floor, connected to the charger. I pick it up, turn it on, and see that I have various missed calls, and messages from Eleanor, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Liam, and finally ... Harry.

I open the message that matters the most as my hands shake and my breathing picks up.

-New Message-

From: My green-eyed sky scrapper

'The day I met you I knew that this was not going to be just for a day. I knew that I will see your sweet face every day, that I will know you and live with you for the rest of my life.'

Please come back. xx

-End Message-

My heart and stomach flutter as I read the message over and over again. The message that contains the exact words that Harry spoke to me when he gave me his promise ring.


Sorry for the delay :(

The ending is near, but thank you for being patient with me. Xx

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