Chapter 70

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*Julianne's P.O.V.*

My thoughts are jumbled in a corner of my mind. I can't bare to replay everything that has happened in the past hour. I make my way up the stairs, merely wrapped with a blanket, as Harry strolls towards the door. The tears continue to fall down my face uncontrollably as I reach my room. Once I'm inside, I place the clothes, that Harry had gathered for me, on top of the bed. His family is here to celebrate his birthday so I should probably wear something nice. I am in no mood to gather some new clothes, let alone to take a shower and get dressed, so I decide to lay down and let him take care of his guests for now. Tears continue to fall down my cheeks as I lay naked, simply covered by the duvet. I stare at the wall, thinking of nothing in particular, and I am brought back from my empty thoughts as I hear a soft knock on my door.

I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. The last thing I need right now is another argument with Harry.

"That's not the bathroom, Robin!" I hear Anne's voice call out, followed by footsteps walking away from my door.

I keep my eyes closed, just for the sake of it, and before I know it, I drift off to a much needed slumber.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

"Hey, honey! Happy birthday ... again!" My mum beams.

"Thanks mum." I say in a monotone. I can't even pretend to be happy right now.

After several other "Happy birthdays" , my family sits in the living room and I walk into the kitchen to get myself some water. Moments after, my mother walks into the room with the smile wiped off of her face.

"What's wrong, Harry?" She doesn't even bother to beat around the bush.

"Nothing, mum." I look at her and force a smile.

She steps closer to me. "I know you better than you know yourself Harry. What happened with you and Julianne?" She insists.

"H-how did you know that it had to do with h-her?" I am caught off guard at the fact that she is able to pinpoint my exact problem.

"Son, the only times that I ever seen you this effected is when you are mad at one of us," She refers to herself, Gemma, and my father, "Or Julianne." She continues. "And, considering the fact that she isn't with you right now, I can only assume that something happened between you two." She explains her reasoning.

"Last night I was drunk, and one thing led to another ... point is, I remembered a ... a private memory between us two, and I told her about it. When I woke up ... I wanted answers, but I couldn't remember anything. Not even the memory. We got into an argument and I ... well I accidentally accused her of making up our relationship." I sigh as I lower my head.

My mother's eyes go wide. I am unaware of exactly which part of the story she is surprised by, but right now, it doesn't even matter.

"Y-you don't believe that you two actually have ... had a relationship before your accident?" She says slowly. "Because of that is the case then I am disappointed in you, Harry. She has tried so hard-"

I cut her off. "I do believe it, mum. I was just so angry and the words came out before I could stop them." I explain myself.

"I mean ... Harry , what does she need to do to get you back? What does she need to prove?" My mum asks.

"She doesn't need to prove anything to me, mum. I already fell in love with her ... again."

*Julianne's P.O.V.*

I am abruptly woken up by a nightmare that consisted of losing Harry for ever. I check the time I note that I have been sleeping for well over an hour. I jump out of my bed and run into the shower. I have made a mental note to go and speak to Dr. Shouls immediately. I quickly get dressed and make my way downstairs. I am welcomed with bright smiles and warm hugs when I reach the living room area and see Anne, Gemma, and Robin. I avoid making any direct eye contact with Harry, so soon enough I excuse myself into the kitchen. As the minutes pass, I become more and more anxious to speak to Harry's doctor about the abnormal event that occurred between yesterday and today. Maybe he can help me, I hope that he can because if not, I will not be able to handle the embarrassment of sleeping with Harry and having him not remember anything about me. I grab a cup of water and head back into the living room just as Anne is talking about going to lunch and then dinner later on. Harry moves closer to me as Anne, Gemma, and Robin get caught up talking about where to go to eat and about what to do after.

"I am going to the hospital to see Dr. Shouls." I whisper to him without making eye contact with him.

"Should I go as well?" He asks and catches me off guard by his immediate agreement to me going to see his doctor.

"You should, but you have plans for the day." I say to him as I stare at his family. "I will go alone and tell you what he says." I continue speaking in a monotone as I finally manage to look up at him. His face is full of sadness as he nods simply.

"What do you think guys?" Gemma asks Harry and I, thus bringing us back from our previous conversation.

"About what?" Harry says, giving away the fact that we were not listening to them.

Gemma sighs, "Going to The Palm." She restates the idea exchanged by herself Anne, and Robin.

"Sounds good." Harry says.

"How about you, Juju? What do you say about going there for lunch?" Gemma turns to me and asks.

"Um. Well, I don't think I'll be able to make it for lunch. I have to go to the hospital .... pharmacy. The pharmacy in the hospital." I offer a small sympathetic smile.

"Why?" Confusion runs over her face. "Are you ok?" She becomes concerned.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine. I just ... um ... need to pick up some medicine for Harry." I put up a fake smile hoping that she believed me.

"Medicine?" She questions further as Anne sits there looking at us suspiciously.

"Yes, medicine, Gem. For the headaches I have been getting." Harry offers an explanation as he goes along with my lie. He knows that what happened yesterday was intimate, and not something that should be talked about while in front of an audience.

"Alright, well you'll be with us for dinner, right?!" Anne cuts in, making sure that Gemma doesn't ask any more questions.

I nod and smile at her as I get up from the couch and head over to where the coats are.

I notice Anne get up after me and walk towards the kitchen. She stops right in front of it as I open the closet, and she signals me to follow her into the kitchen.

"Tell me what he says." She says once I am with her. She carries a concerned look on her face.

"Who?" I whisper.

"The doctor. I know what happened." She says softly as she looks down at the floor.

My eyes go wide. "Harry told you that -" I am cut off when Harry enters the room.

"I told her what I said to you, and that last night I remembered something that I had already forgotten by this morning. That's all." He says, taking me away from the idea that he told his mother about us having sex.

I simply nod in Anne's direction, assuring her that I would tell her what the doctor says. "I'll go now." I say as I grab the keys from the hook and walk out of the kitchen.

"Please, be careful." I here Harry say once I grab my coat and open the door to leave the apartment.


"So ... he was drunk, and remembered the first time you two were together." Dr. Shouls asks me, making me grow uncomfortable and embarrassed.

I nod.

"The alcohol must have enabled his mind to be able to bring back the past. So odd." He says to himself.

"What can I do?" I ask him. He needs to help me, someone needs to help me get my Harry back.

"What can you do Julianne?" He looks into my eyes.

"I have been really patient, it has been more than a month, and he has just had minimal memory recovery. Well actually, he seems to remember everything else, just not me." I sigh as I feels the tears appearing at the brim of my eyes.

"I am beginning to think that Harry has just blocked the idea of remembering you. Not purposely though." He offers an explanation.

"W-why would he do that?" I stutter.

"Maybe he's scared to remember. Or maybe he is used to still having you in his company that it is blocking him from remembering the past, instead, he is just making new memories." He continues.

"So... what are you saying?" I ask him. "Are you implying that I should ... not be with him as much?" I ask shockingly.

"If he is able to miss you, he will be able to remember you." He says simply, and at that moment, I know what I need to do.

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