Chapter 49

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I sit in the hospital's waiting room,  both alive and dead at the same time. 5:04 a.m.

I am tired of twiddling with my fingers.

 I am tired of "engaging" in conversation with those around me.

My last resort is to count the tiles that lay on the floor in front of me, maybe that will distract me.

1. 2. Harry.

I close my eyes, open them and try again.

1. 2. 3. Harry.

I give up.

I have been told that I should go home. The doctor suggested it himself.

No words came to my mouth.

I stay here, sitting, silently.

My eyes are dried out. No tears, no sleep in them.

I told them to go home, everyone but Anne, Gemma, and Robin in fact. Nobody left. They said that they won't leave without us.

"Try to sleep." My mother says to me. After all, everyone else is asleep, except Anne, Robin, and Gemma, of course.

I shake my head. There's no sleep in me.  

*Louis' P.O.V.*

I wake up to mostly everyone asleep.

Julianne, Anne, Gemma, Robin, and Julianne's mother, are the only ones awake.

I analyze the rest of us. Eleanor's head is laying on my shoulder, and a faint snoring can be heard coming from her mouth.

Perrie's head is leaning against the wall, and her eyes are closed as she breathes in and out slowly. She has every right to sleep, Zayn is pretty much ok after all.

Karen, Julianne's sister is sleeping while laying against her father, who looks quite uncomfortable in the position that he is in although he is sleeping.  

Liam is leaned back into the chair that he is in, and Danielle's head lays on his shoulder. I am sure that they are back together by now.

Anne, Gemma, and Robin sit there quietly, but they all have different expressions on their faces.

Robin- Tired. Sleepy. Worried.

Gemma- Uncertainty.

Anne- Tired. Sleepy. Worried. Pained. Devastated. Shock. Denial.

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