Chapter 59

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Thank you guys so much for 10K reads! Ah! I am so appreciative for the amount of support that I have been getting for TCG. Thank you all so much for taking time out for me and my book. Ah! Love you all a ton ton ton!


 My mother and I scope the top floor, and only have one room left.

"Maybe we shouldn't go inside. She probably fell asleep." My mother says.

I am dying to open the door and see what lies behind it, but my mother insists that we let Julianne rest.

After some convincing, my mother convinces me to go to my room and get some rest for myself.

"I'm going to the market, to pick up some groceries." My mum says to me after I get into "my" bed.

"Is it far?" I ask her.

"The market? It's a short drive from here." She answers.

"Take my car. I think she left the keys on the table in the living room downstairs." I suggest and she nods.

"Do you need anything?" She asks me and I shake my head.

"Alright, I'll be back in a while honey. Love you." She says as she exits my room.

"Love you too." I respond, not sure if she could hear me.

I wait patiently until I hear the front door close. Once I hear it shut closed, I jump out of bed and sprint to the bedroom that I haven't been to today. I debate on whether or not to open the door, but I quickly decide to kill my curiosity by opening it.

I slowly turn the knob and push the door open. I poke my head into the room and am taken in by the decoration of the room.

I automatically spot what I was originally looking for. Julianne. Laying on the bed, fast asleep.

I walk into the room and go in her direction. One of her drawers is open and in her hand is a white t shirt. She is still dressed in the same clothes that she had when we got here. I guess she fell asleep before she got a chance to change. I decide against waking her up, and instead choose to inspect the room to see if anything in here can help me remember something.

I head over to the small desk that sits next to Julianne's bed, and take a seat on the chair that is directly in front of it. On the desk are her a couple of magazines, pens, a laptop, and some portraits. There are a couple of pictures of us on the desk, and I take liberty to pick them up and scrutinize all of them. In each, we are either smiling, laughing, or making silly faces. I look the same, but she looks different. Of course, it s just because of the amount of stress that she has faced in the past month. I take my favorite one of the picture,  the one that we are making silly faces, with me as I get up from the chair.  I look from the girl in the picture to the girl sleeping in front of me. How is it that we were so happy, or seemed to be, yet, I don't remember a single detail about her.

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