Chapter 16

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This chapter is dedicated to maym4y for still sticking with me, and commenting on my story, after I didn't upload for 5 days! Xx

P.S. This chapter is kind of a filler, and maybe a bit boring :/ .

Enjoy! XX


As much as I loved the weather in Brazil I have got to say that the weather in London was just right for me. The rain let down and as I began to unpack the things that I had taken on vacation to Brazil I caught sight of the souvenir that I had bought Harry when I was in Rio. I was still in love with the simplicity of the small grain of rice floating around inside the small tube of water that was dangling from the string. I began to drift off as I got lost inside the name engraved on the grain of rice. All of the memories that I had shared with Harry since the day we first met at that concert came back, and with the memories came a charming smile.

"Is that for me?" A deep voice crept up behind me. I jumped then shuttered at the shock that ran through my body as I got pulled back from my daydream.

"How didn't I notice that you came into my room? Did you even knock?!" I said playfully to Harry.

"Actually, I did. You didn't respond so I got worried. Then I came in and found you staring into a little tube which I now see has my name on it." He grabbed the tube and smiled at me.

"I was too busy thinking about all of the memories we have. I got you this from my vacation in Brazil. I got one for you, with your name on it, and one for me, with my name on it. Do you like it?"

"I hate it! Just kidding. Do I like it? I love it Juju!" He admitted then wrapped me in a hug to show his gratitude for the small gift.

"I'm glad you like it."

"I don't like it. I love it!"

"Well in that case, I'm glad you love it, curls."

"Here, put it on for me please." He said as he passed me the necklace and crouched down so that I could be on the same level as his neck.

"There, all done." I smiled to myself because of how quick I was able to put on the necklace for him.  "Now can you put mine please?"

"Of course hand it over." And with that, he quickly adjusted my necklace around my neck. "Now we're matching." He smiled at me charmingly.


It has now been almost two weeks since I got back from Brazil. Today is the day that all my things from back home will arrive to London, and to Harry's home. Ever since I got back from my family vacation in Brazil I have been sleeping in the flat that was temporarily being shared by the boys. Harry and I came to this flat when management decided that it will be best for all of us to stay together until the tour came to an end in a couple of days. The paparazzi have been going crazy over Harry and I's "relationship," and have not failed to follow our every step. Meanwhile, Harry and I are still going strong as best friends, and are getting to know each other more as friends and as fake boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Hey Juju, when are your things coming in from New York?" Louis asked me.

"They should be getting here today actually, so I should get going because they are being shipped to Harry's house."

"Do you need any help unpacking?" Liam questioned me as he came out of the kitchen with a bowl of cereal.

"Um, it's fine, you guys don't need to go through the trouble of helping little ol' me with all my junk." I refused to make them go  through such trouble. Besides, I don't know what exactly my parents packed for me. What if they packed something embarrassing like my naked baby pictures, or my Hannah Montana flashlight from when I was younger.

"Pish posh, no worries, I'll be glad to help!" Niall admitted. To be honest, I could actually use the help.

"Me too." Louis chimed in.

"Same here juju." Liam continued.

"I wouldn't mind going through your clothes and all Zayn winked at me, making me giggle.

"I guess I will be forced to help as well, since the rest of my best friend's have decided to help my other best friend in unpacking." Harry joked.

"You guys are the greatest." I was honestly glad to have such amazing friends.


As we finished unpacking, and placing, all of my things, after running through some embarrassing items such as my granny panties, the push up bra that my mother insisted I get,  and many other things, we all plopped onto the couch in the living.

"Who knew Jujubeans could have so much junk." Niall broke the silence and caused the room to erupt in laughter.

"Oh please, cry me a river!" I quickly responded to blondie.

"Cry me, cry me, cry me a river, cry me, cry me!" the boys harmonized the rest of Justin Timberlake's hit song.

"You guys are so lame!" I said, but I wasn't able to contain the laughter and awe of how well they "harmonized."

"You know what else is lame?" Louis started.

"Those granny panties?" Zayn added and the boys began laughing and making fun of my choice of sleeping underwear.

"You guys are such haters, I only used those to sleep, I don't even use them anymore!" I said honestly, "besides, what do you expect me to where to sleep? Thongs?!"

"Yes." Harry was the first to say it, followed by four other guys voices answering my question with a yes.

"Pervs!" I said as I got up to serve myself some lemonade.

"You know that you are our favorite girl!" Niall shouted so that I could hear him from the kitchen.

"Well, I am not so sure about that. Louis, Liam, and Zayn have girlfriends that I quite simply can't compete with." I have seen a lot of pictures of the boys' girlfriends and honestly they are gorgeous.

"Ok, ok. You are like our sister!" Zayn added.

"Well, not Harry's sister. If you know what I mean." Louis winked at me, causing both Harry and I both to blush as the boys laughed out loud. Why Harry was blushing? I have no idea. Why I was blushing? I have no idea. Harry and I are just fake boyfriend and girlfriend! Even though only Harry and I , and now the boys, know, we are still only fake boyfriend and girlfriend! But if the boys know that our relationship is fake, why would they say that I am not like Harry's sister..?

Harry eyed Louis with a pissed/suspicious look after both he and I were put on the spot.

Oh no. Do they know? Do the boys know that I ...

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