The Unknown- Part Fifty Two

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Aston- "Well hopefully that doesn't happen." 

Aston placed his hand on Louise's bump and she placed her hands on top of Aston's. They both felt their daughter kicking. 

Louise- "So we have defiantly, 100%, decided on the name?"

Aston- "Yes. Daisy Mae Merrygold."

Louise- "I am so excited to meet her. I feel like I have been waiting ages."

Aston- "Tour normally goes quickly so I am sure it will go really fast."

Louise- "Yeah hopefully. What do you think Imy is having? I think she finds out soon."

Aston- "I don't know. What does she want?"

Louise- "I haven't actually asked her, but I think she wants a little boy."

Aston- "We can have our own little band of little people."

Louise- "Ha-ha that would be cute. Archie would have to be the main singer though," 

Back downstairs Danielle, Courtney, Chloe and Rosie were all in the cinema room and they were about to watch their second film, but they were all falling asleep as it was late. Natalie and Oritse had just walked in the front door and they were both very drunk from their night out. Oritse and Natalie went straight upstairs and into their room, but they still managed to wake everyone up.

JB had just got to sleep whe Oritse and Natalie woke him up running up and down the hallway. He decided to head downstairs as he couldn't get back to sleep. He was sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen reading one of the magazines that managment had sent to the house as they boys were in it. Every month they would get sent piles of magazines and newspapers that they were in but they wouldn't usually read them. JB made himself a banana milkshake and read through all the newspapers. When he was reading the last one he saw a picture of him and Marvin and his sleeve was slightly rolled up and you could see a cut. He looked at the date on the newspaper, it said 15.12.13. The date now was 13.3.14 and no-one had said anything about it. He then realised he needed to be better at hiding it or that he needed to stop doing it before people find out. 

By the time JB had read all of the magazines and newspapers everyone in the house was asleep. The girls were sleeping in the cinema room, Marvin and Rochelle were still out in the garden house and everyone upstairs was asleep so JB decided to go back to bed and try to sleep.


The next morning Aston was the first to wake up. He left Louise asleep as she was struggling to sleep latey because of the baby. He made his way downstairs. He walked through the lounge, the bar room, the backroom and then into the kitchen and he saw that all of the newspapers had been read. He didn't know who read them but he just tied them all back up and put them in the cupboard that they were kept in, along with all the photo albums. There were loads of photos that they took so they decided that they needed a cupboard for all of them so that is where they keep their photos, newspaper articles and photo-shoot/interview stuff. Aston went back to the kitchen and Marvin was sat at the breakfast bar. Aston jumped out of his skin as he didn't hear Marvin come in. 

Aston- "Wow you look rough. How much did you drink last night?"

Marvin- "Urm I don't really remember."

Aston- "MARVIN!! You have to stay healthy for this tour. Where was Archie?"

Marvin- "He was in the play room the last time I checked. I should probably go and look that he is still in there." 

Marvin left and went to the play room and he found Archie asleep in his kid's bed. Aston came along ten minutes later and found Marvin asleep with Archie in his bed. Aston couldn't help but take a photo and upload it to instagram. He left Marvin and went back and sat in the kitchen and was laughing at all of the comments the fans had left on the picture. 

Aston walked over to the fridge and got out the big basket of fruit that gets delivered to their house every week and made himself a strawberry, banana and blueberry smoothie and then he made Louise's favourite smoothie which was pear, grapes and strawberry. He took them up to their bedroom and when he went in Louise was already awake and sat up in bed putting her make up on. 

Aston- "Do you have to do that on our new white sheets?" 

Louise told Aston to go over to one of the cupboards in the en suite. Aston opened the doors and inside was loads of new white sheets. 

Aston- "Okay, we have plenty of white sheets. I didn't know they were in there."

Louise- "Danielle ordered some the other day so I got her to get us some as well."

Aston- "Well aren't you the organised one?"

Louise- 'Yes I am."

Aston- "Oh yeah, here I made you a smoothie."

Louise- "Aww thank you." 

Louise took the smoothie and asked what they were doing for the day.

Aston- "I don't know what do you want to do?"

Louise- "Sit eating cake all day?"

Aston- "We can sit here and eat cake all day if you want."

Louise- "We don't have any cake though, everyone is healthy in this house."

Aston- "No but we do have the ingredients to make cakes." 

Louise's eyes grew wide and they lit up. She loved making cakes and she loved decorating them with pretty icing. She was pro at making flower and animal cakes. 

Aston- "I take it that you want to make cakes. I will go and get the stuff ready. I will see you in the kitchen." 

Louise got out of bed and stayed in her pyjamas and brushed her hair and put it up in a messy ponytail. Louise and Aston started making the first batch of cakes but eventually everyone else that lived within the house and joined them in the kitchen. Luckily Aston had bought enough ingredients and the kitchen was big enough for everyone to cook. 


A week later the One Direction boys were due home. They were home for a few days before they were off for tour practice again. JLS would be leaving the same day as the One Direction boys. JLS would then return again on the 17th April before leaving for tour on the 8th to Mississippi. One Direction will return on the 15th April and they then leave on the 7th to head over to Ireland. Niall would leave tour practice on the 4th so that they could find out the gender of their baby. 

Right now though everyone was chilling in the garden. For March the weather was hot and it was nice enough for a BBQ. Aston and Marvin were starting the BBQ in the garden house. Imy, Louise and Danielle were all in their bikinis sunbathing. Chloe, Oritse, Natalie and Archie were all in the swimming pool. Rochelle was in the kitchen making some potato salad and colesaw. JB came down the stairs and into the kitchen where Rochelle was cooking. Even though it was really hot outside JB was wearing a long sleeve top and jeans. 

Aston and Marvin were by the BBQ topless and JB went over and joined them. Both Aston and Marvin raised their eyebrows at each other. 

Aston- "Jay aren't you hot?"

JB- "No not really."

Aston- "JB I know about everything. Marvin told me..."

JB- "Marvin why did you do that? I am sorting this out. I didn't want anyone knowing."

Marvin- "He knows me too well Jay. He knew something was wrong. I couldn't just tell him nothing when he already knows."

JB- "You could've said something else. You didn't have to tell him. Honestly Marvin I thought I could trust you will it."

Marvin- "You can. It is only Aston who knows. Sorry Jay." 

JB shook his head and walked away from Aston and Marvin.

Marvin- "Why did you tell him?"

Aston- "I want to help him."

Marvin- "I just don't know what we can do."

The Unknown. One Direction and JLS fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن