Sunday Morning Pt. 2

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(Jay's POV @ 4:53 a.m)

"It's so pretty oh my gosh!" I semi-yelled as we watched the sun rise. The sky was pink mixed with a soft orange-like color. It was beautiful.

We drove up to the same look out point he brought me to Sunday night. The same night we grabbed In-N-Out and his big hand grasped mine. I remember the feeling like it was yesterday.

My heart jumped out of my body because for the first time in history, I was face to face with the one and only Chris Brown. I can't believe I didn't faint when he walked down the steps to hug me.

"Yeah it is really pretty... I come up here sometimes to just get away from everything and everybody ya know? Nobody knows about this spot, but you."

"Awnnnn I feel so special... are you tired by any chance?" I asked him as he shook his head no.

He looked up at the sky like his mind was racing.

"Christopher... you okay?"

"Why you calling my government name like that Symone?"

"You can't question me because you just used my middle name." I said as we both chuckled.

"Yeah I'm fine... it's just... I can't believe that today's your last day. This little week went by quick. I was just walking down the stairs to greet you and now in a couple of hours you're gonna leave me." He said as he wrapped his arms around my torso.

We're sitting on the hood of his Lambo and my back is against his chest. I felt so secure with his arms cradling me.

"Yeah... time flies when you don't want it to. I had so much fun though. You really do know how to have a good time Chris. I gotta give you props. All the videos and pictures I have of us together will never get deleted." I said chuckling.

"I'm just so sexy that you don't wanna take my pretty face outta your phone." He said laughing as I pushed him away.

I jumped out of his arms and onto the ground as he laughed hysterically.

"Okay okay I quit... come here boo and bring me your phone." He said huskily with a slight smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes and I blushed at the remark he made. I walked back towards the car while handing him my phone. He unlocked it because he put his own fingerprint on there. He's so annoying.

"Hey snap.... I'm really sad because my long lost best friend is leaving me today..." He said into the Snapchat camera. Then, he turned the camera to face me.

I waved to the camera and I smiled as he ended the video. As he started another video, he got off of the car and he walked towards me. He flipped the camera, so it faced us.

"Are you gonna miss me?" He asked in the camera as I smirked.

"Y'all imma miss my daddy." I said as I winked in the camera and his eyes were widened. I got on my tippy toes and I kissed his cheek... his face turned blood shot red. It was the cutest thing ever!

"Awnnnnnn Chris!!" I said getting excited as he ended the video.

He saved the video and exited out of Snapchat.

"I'm not posting that one cause I look too soft."

"Nigga you are soft..." I said as he muffed my forehead away from him. I was about to push him until... he stared at my phone....

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