📐Ch.5 Calculating lunch🍇

Start from the beginning

"Um, sure. Why not. Well, see Ya around." I said walking off with my tray, as Palette went his own way with a quick bye. 

Although when I got to the table, I saw something unexpected.

The kids from earlier were at the table, West wasn't there, and neither was Alyphs.

It was just Papyrus. 

"Move." The girl with the skateboard ordered. 

"..." Papyrus obviously was uncomfortable and didn't know how to handle the situation. 

"What's going on, Papyrus?" I asked joining Papyrus at the table. 

"Would Ya look at that." The male cat said. 

"It's the punk from earlier." The fish like girl finished.

"P-Papyrus, F-Fresh?" Alyphs said nervous and anxious. 

"..." PJ just stood silent letting the whole thing unfold, despite knowing I was there he didn't bother looking at me. 

"Look, just move or we'll make you." The fish like teen spoke again as Alyphs grabbed her stuff, and Papyrus shifted uneasily grabbing his tray. I stood my ground. 

"No." I stated simply like I did earlier. 

"What?" The girl with the skateboard asked irritated as the others glared at me, Papyrus and Alyphs were shocked and slowly backing away from the group.

"Move." The skater girl repeated. 

"No." I replied. 

I didn't notice the anger slowly building up in PJ's eyes. 

"Do it!" Undyne yelled in a threatening voice. 

"No." I repeated. Eventually Papyrus and Alyphs were against the wall near the group, I swore Alyphs looked so worried she had to be mentally praying. 

PJ closed his eyes face palming himself in anger. 

"Why won't you just move!?" Undyne asked clearly irritated. 

"Because if you wanted to sit here you should have gotten here before us." I stated simply, and before I knew it PJ was directly in front of me glaring daggers down at me in annoyance.  

"Just. Move." He said through gritted teeth, yup. He was mad. 

His glare made my bravery falter a little remembering earlier, but I chose not to let it get to me. To let HIM get to me. I swallowed the lump of fear in my throat, staring him in the eyes like I did to his friends. 

"No." I answered trying not to let my voice shake. 

"No?" He asked aggravated, he laughed a little obviously still ticked.  

"Exactly what do you think you are?" He asked in a furious yet amused voice, as he took a step closer towering over me.  

"U-uh, umm..." I stuttered under my breathe as he took that step. He was so ticked, I could tell he was trying not to beat me up, while the teacher was still out near the other kids scolding them about food fights. Besides them almost everyone was looking at us now. 

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