His Proposal - 81

Start from the beginning

"Aleysa's asking for us. We should leave now."

Jai rises. "I'll clean this place later. We should leave now."

Teresa follows us out the door and she climbs into the car with Nate.

They look cute together.

I hold Jai's hand as he drives through the streets of LA. When we get to the bar we climb out of the car and walk into the house.

Nate looks at me and tears begin to fall down his face.

He knows today is the day that our sister is going to die. I have the same feeling.

I put my arms around him and we walk into the bedroom.

Aleysa opens her eyes slightly. She tries to smile, but it doesn't show at all. "Hey," she looks at Teresa. "Who is that?"

Nate wraps his arms around her waist. "This is Teresa. I used to tell you a lot about the girl that I saved my freshman year."

I look at him. "The girl you kept at a distance?"

He nods.

"Good for you brother. I can leave knowing that you have someone too." She looks at Teresa and Jai. "Can I speak to them alone?"

I walk out of the room with Nate.

He shuts the door behind us. "What do you think they're talking about in there?"

"We can listen to them. I put a baby monitor in that room so I could hear Aleysa during the night." We walk to my room and I turn on the monitor.

"Chloe and Nate are going to need you when I go. They might push you away and try to deal with things on their own, but that's not going to work for them. My brother and sister love family. Family is what keeps the Knight Family whole. Our Aunt and cousin may have shown up in our lives, but they don't mean as much as the three of us. They are about to be two Knight's from three." She takes a breath. "They are going to need you, make them smile too. I don't want them to grieve too much over me. They did everything they needed to while I was alive. It's time for them to live and me to move on. I love Nate and Chloe with my whole heart."

A smile spreads across my face.

I love her too. It feels like I'm going to lose a small piece of myself when she's gone.

Gerald walks into the room. "What are you doing?"

Putting my finger to my lips I whisper. "We're listening to Aleysa."

She remains quiet for a bit. "Can you get them for me? I want to see the graduation video."

Gerald, Nate and I make our way to the room.

Veronica and Ricky are standing next to the door when we walk over.

The door opens and Jai looks at us. "Aleysa wants to see the video." We step inside the room.

Everyone in the room finds somewhere to sit. I am wrapped in Jai's arms, as I press play.

The graduation video starts and we remain quiet while we watch it.

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