In about 5 minutes, we are called into the kitchen, and before my eyes is a buffet of food.

Pancakes, waffles, biscuits, bacon, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, fried eggs, sausage, ham, potato bits, bagels, croissants, cereal. There's even a fruit area with chopped strawberries, orange slices, grapes, pineapple pieces. Wow. Next to the fruit area is the drinks, orange juice, apple juice, fruit punch, milk, water, coffee.

"Woah!" Almost everyone says at the same time.

"You really went all out, Juju." Michael says.

I feel my stomach come even more alive as my mouth waters over all the food.

"You are literally crazy." Eleanor says as she walks over to the chef girl.

"Why didn't you wake me earlier? I would have helped with all of this." I state, still in awe at all the food she managed to make on her own.

"I didn't want you to help. It's a surprise remember. " She smiles at me. "Now, all of you, stop drooling over the food, and come serve yourselves! The food will get cold the longer you stay there in awe." She walks toward the plates and begins handing them out to us.

Once everyone is serving their food, I pull Julianne by the elbow and lead us to the living room."This is amazing. Thank you." I hug her.

She looks up to me with a broad smile on her face and nods. "Go, go, your stomach is practically eating you alive!" She brings me back into the kitchen as a smile forms on my face.


*Julianne's P.O.V.*

"The food was awful, Juju. You may need to go to cooking school if you plan on surviving on your own food." Luke says as he pats his full stomach.

"Oh. Did it take you three plates to come up with the idea that the food was bad?" Liam says to him and I chuckle.

"Hey! I had to make sure that I tried everything!" Luke responds. "Just kidding. It was great. I wish I could cook like you. You're a lucky dude, Harry." Luke puts an angry face on.

"Hey, don't be mad. Just move in here and she can cook for you every day." Harry pats Luke's shoulder.  "Not." He continues and breaks into laughter.

"Why is nobody addressing the importance of the event that is coming up!? Louis changes the conversation as he puts his arm around El's shoulder.

Confusion rooms through the room momentarily, but soon, everyone understand what Louis is talking about. Everyone except Harry that is.

"What event?" Harry asks.

"Well mate. The important date that is coming up next weekend. Your ..... birthday!" Louis shouts out.

"My birthday?" Harry questions. "Wait, what day is it?" Harry chuckles. 

"January 25." Zayn answers. Woah. Wasn't it Zayn's birthday a couple of days ago. Well, almost two weeks ago.

"Oh. So my birthday is next Friday. Nice." Harry says normally then his eyes widen. "Woah. I am so sorry mate." Harry looks at Zayn with worried eyes.

"Sorry? For what, mate?" Zayn asked confusingly.

"I missed your birthday!" Harry says and relief flushes over Zayn.

"None of that, man! You were in the hospital anyway, there is no way that I expected you to remember." Zayn pats Harry's shoulder reassuringly.

"Same here, Zayn. I'm sorry. Happy belated birthday." I say. I am sad that I forgot as well.

"This goes for you too, Juju. You were too stressed out, and thank you." Zayn says to me and I give him a weak smile after he smiles at me.

"Yeah man, happy birthday! What did you do anyway?" Harry asks.

"I just went out to dinner with my lady." He smiles over at Perrie.

"Yeah. He ditched us." Niall says as he sticks his tongue out at Zayn.

"Don't be jealous. I still love you." Zayn says and laughs. "But yeah, what are you doing for your birthday, mate?" He turns his attention back to me.

"I don't actually know." I shrug my shoulders and look at Julianne. She shrugs as well.

"Well, we can all go to dinner or something?" Liam asks.

"Unless you ditch us like someone" Niall huffs and then chuckles, causing everyone to laugh.

"That sounds good." I say.

"We won't be here!" Calum whines.

"Why not?" I ask him.

"We have a show out of the city." Ashton answers. "But, we'll make up for it once we're back!" He says and smiles.

"Deal." I agree.

"So dinner?" Liam asks to make sure.

"Dinner." I nod.

"And maybe a club." Louis whispers and Eleanor slaps his shoulder, causing us all to laugh.

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