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  I walked back over to John and sat down on the bed, completely disoriented from what Anthony had just said.
John noticed this immediately and faced me with a very loving look on his face.
"You okay?"
I nodded, "Yeah, Anthony is just drunk off his chair."
He looked at me for a second, very intently, a sparkle in his eyes that was undeniably the love John had for me.
We both knew that our relationship was something that we've both never experienced in our lifetime before. Not even a really good boyfriend, or a parent's love amounted to the the extremely strong connection between us.
Corny, I know, but true. I loved John more than I loved anyone in the world at the moment. I loved him as much as I love my mother, even though she isn't in this world physically anymore. I loved him as much as I love my dad. There is nothing that could I could tell you that would express the joy he brings to me.
If I have ever fallen in love with someone, it would be John Frusciante. Never has a person made such an important impact on my life, and never have I felt so involved in theirs. John was the angel of our generation.
Now I know this all sounds very intimate, but this is what it was like. I was in love with John from the very moment we started talking. You don't have to have sex with someone if you're in love with them. Meaning, John and I could be in love mentally, and spiritually, and physically. We just didn't express our love in a boyfriend/girlfriend way. You know? It wasn't like Anthony and I, where we fucked.
John looked away from me smiling and focused his eyes on the ground. We both felt the extremity of love in both of our auras for each other, and it was a very happy feeling.
"Lilly, I want to ask you something."
"Ask away kiddo."
John stood up from the bed and kneeled in front of me, with his hands resting on my calves protectively.
"I love you more than I have ever been able to love something before. I love you more than the moon loves giving the tide a reason to rise with each night. Spending this much time with you on tour has opened my eyes to what a person can be. I would want nothing more than to make music with you. Would you be willing to make an album with me?"
My body was tingling everywhere. John, one of the guitarists who had taken my being to another world, through his playing, was asking ME, to play alongside him on an album. When the fuck did this happen?
"Are you serious?!"
He nodded vigorously.
"Of course I want to fucking play with you! I would want nothing else in the fucking world!"
I gave him a tight hug and felt his warmth and inner peace envelope me. The world didn't appreciate John's spirit enough, but I felt like one day they would.  

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now