Chapter 13

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Austin's POV

I was just informed by Regal that I would be defending the title against Austin Aries tonight. I have no problem with that. Austin Aries is a tremendous athlete and an even greater worker. Sasha seemed worried about me though. "Are you ok babe?" I asked. "I'm just kind of worried about you." "Why?" "After what happened last week, I'm just worried that you will get split open and lose a whole bunch of blood again." "That won't happen. Austin Aries is a professional he won't go after something like that." "I know, it's just a small cut can turn into something big." I hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. "Don't worry about me babe. Worry about retaining your title tonight." "Ok. Just be careful." She said. I smirked. "Let's go get AJ and head to the arena." She nodded and we were off.

I was called to the gorilla and I kissed Sasha on the lips and hugged AJ before heading towards it. Aries was already out there. I slapped myself a few times to hype myself up. They played my music and I walked out. I fist bumped and high fived fans on the way down. We locked up before I got him in a side headlock. I then took him down and got him into the anaconda vice right away. It took a few minutes but he got out. He then hit me with a hip toss and then a dropkick.  He then kicked me in the stomach and tried to get me in position for a Brain Buster, but I wiggled out and hit him with a Dirty Deeds. I covered him but he kicked out at two. I then threw him out of the ring and as he was getting up I hit him with a suicide dive. I then threw him back into the ring and covered but he kicked out at two. I then went out to the apron and waited for him to get up. I then channeled my inner AJ Styles and hit him with a phenomenal forearm. I covered again but he kicked out again. I went into the corner and clapped a few times and went for a Last Call Superkick, but he ducked and kicked me in the stomach and hit me with a Brainbuster. He covered but I kicked out at the very last second. He then got me up for another, but I kneed him in the head and he let me down. I then hit him with a swinging neckbreaker which led to me going up to the top rope and going for a frog splash, but he moved out of the way at the last second. He then got me up, and tried to roll me up but I rolled through and he hit me with a wicked roundhouse kick. He covered but I kicked out. He got me up like he was trying to toy with me, but I got him in a crossface out of nowhere. It took a few minutes but he rolled me over and tried to catch me off guard but I kicked out. I got up and hit him with a wicked codebreaker and I went into the corner and clapped a few times and hit him with a Last Call Superkick and got the win. I know Storm was watching so I looked into the camera and said "This one's for you Storm!". I went to the back where Sasha and AJ were waiting for me. "Great job babe!" Sasha said. "Yeah nice one Austin. I like how you used Punk's move." "Eh, I like that hold." She smiled at that comment. "You guys ready?" They both nodded. It was a pretty good week and I'm one win away from being able to go up to the main roster with Sasha.  

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