Chapter 26

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Austin's POV

Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar led off Raw tonight, I did not even bother to listen what Heyman had to say. I went out there and Heyman looked worried. "Listen, Paul, I really don't give a damn what you have to say. I mean, it's the same time and time again. Bitching and moaning about you client breaking the streak, seriously no one gives a damn. I came out to talk to Brock." I said looking at him. "You are the most dominant WWE champion this company has ever seen. I'll give you that. But I'm the guy you call when the most dominant WWE champion needs his ass kicked!" He laughed in my face. He took the mic. "You really think that you have a chance at taking this title from me at Summerslam?" He laughed in my face again. He then tried to get me in position for a german suplex, but I got out of it and tried to hit him with a superkick but he rolled out of the ring. I told him that I was this close to kicking his head off. I got the momentum right now. When I got to the back, Sasha came up to me. "I don't know about this babe." "What?" "You just pissed Brock Lesnar off. I don't want to see you get hurt." I sighed. "You don't have to worry about me. I know that I'm going to Suplex City, but I also know I'm capable of burning that bitch to the ground. Now, I got a match tonight, we can talk about this later, I'm going to go get ready for it." She nodded and I kissed her on the forehead before going to the gym and working my ass off for this match. Triple H loved the chemistry that Jeff and I had, so he's teaming us up to face the New Day. I don't know why, I guess he just wants to test us as a tag team. 

I met up with Jeff a couple of minutes before showtime. "You ready for this kid?" He asked me. "As ready as I'll ever be. We both have experience as tag team wrestlers, so I have no doubt that we will walk out as winners." He nodded and fist bumped me. 

We both got out there and he whispered to me that he was going to start it out. I nodded and got out on the apron. Kofi started it out on the New Day's side.  They locked up and Jeff quickly pushed him down. He then ran at him and hit him with a neckbreaker. Kofi got up and Jeff irish whipped him off the ropes and hit him with a back body drop. Then I saw Brock Lesnar in the crowd smirking at me. I shook it off because he was not doing anything to try to come into the ring. I then saw that Jeff hit Kofi with a Twist of Fate, he then tagged me in and I hit a Frog Splash. Jeff made sure that Big E would not mess up the cover, but then Brock Lesnar jumped the barricade and came in and hit me with an F5. Jeff came in to try to get him out of there but he got hit with an F5 for his trouble. We got declared the winners, but Brock crossed the line. There will be a contract signing next week, with the following Sunday being Summerslam. I'm going out there and I'm going to make a statement before Summerslam.

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