Chapter 23

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Austin's POV

Rusev demanded a United States championship rematch tonight, and I gladly accepted. I'm not going to back down from a challenge. But I saw Bray lurking around the parking lot, which is a complete surprise to me after what Roman did to him. I have a feeling that he will be sticking his nose in my match, but I have to focus on the task at hand tonight. First, Punk said that he wanted to make a meeting with Triple H and Stephanie Mcmahon about possibly coming back. What baffles me is that he was treated like shit, and now he wants to go crawling back. But whatever, I'll let him do him. 

I was waiting for my music to play when Punk came up to me. "Dude, I'm pretty close to coming back." "That's awesome man." I said as I heard my music play. "I got to go, I'll talk to you later." He nodded and walked off. I walked out and high fived a few fans before sliding into the ring. The bell rang and I took him down and hit him with punch after punch. I got him up and hit him with a neckbreaker. I got him up and tried to hit him with a suplex, but he reversed and hit me with a bodyslam. He then went up to the middle rope and tried to hit me with a diving headbutt, but I got out of the way and locked in the crossface. It took a couple of minutes, but he got out of it. He then hit me with a clothesline, I then got up and he hit me with a jumping superkick. He then stomped on my back and tried to get me in the accolade, but I would not let him lock it in. I then rolled him up and he kicked out at two. He then got up and got me in a side headlock. I punched him in the ribs and he let go of his grip. I then hit him with a sit out twist of fate, and that did not knock him off of his feet, so I hit him with a superkick and it looked like it knocked him out cold. I went up to the top rope when the lights went off. They went back on and Bray appeared outside of the ring. The distraction allowed Rusev to knock me off of the top rope and lock me in the accolade. It ended with me passing out and Rusev being declared the winner.

Sasha's POV

This is devastating. Bray Wyatt just screwed Austin out of the United States title. After Rusev left the ring, Bray went into the ring to try to add insult to injury. He picked him up, and hit him with a Sister Abigail. He then dropped down on both knees and screamed, "Follow the buzzards!". He tried to leave the ring, but Austin grabbed a mic. "Wyatt! Wyatt! You haven't broken me Wyatt! I'm still up!" Bray looked back and simply laughed. Austin kept trying to get back up to his feet. "Next week, you, me, Extreme Rules!" Jesus Christ what the hell is he thinking? Bray got a mic and simply said "I accept." He got to the back and he looked very pissed off. "You ok baby?" I asked him. He sighed. "Yeah, I'm just kind of pissed off." "But seriously, why did you ask him for an Extreme Rules match?" "He's put us through hell for the last month. He's stalking you and he just cost me the United States championship. But you are the most important thing in my life right now. And if he wants to try to put that at risk, he's going to be put in a fucking hospital. I love you Sasha, I love you more than life itself. He wants to put you in danger, I'm will fucking kill him." "I love you too Austin. I'm just kind of worried about you, I mean, you look pretty fucked up." I said as he started holding his head. "I'm fine. He's in trouble." He said before taking my hand and we left the arena after that. He has a right to be pissed off, it's just I don't want him to kill himself. 

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