Chapter 17

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Austin's POV

I was awoken by my phone ringing. It was Sasha. "Hello?" I said in a sleepy voice. "Oh sorry did I wake you?" "Don't worry about it baby girl. What's up?" "Can you come over quick?" I knew something was up. Within a couple of minutes, I was pounding at AJ and Sasha's door. Sasha opened it. "What the hell happened?" I could see that she was debating weather or not to tell me something. "I got another text." "Phone." I said holding my hand out. She gave me it and I scrolled through her texts. "Abigail, soon you will know where you belong. Those hounds will not be able to protect you for long. Follow the buzzards." I got pissed off. Very pissed off. I started pacing and heavy breathing. "This motherfucker is stalking you. What the fuck did I do to him?" AJ sensed that I was very tense and she came in and gave me a huge hug. Sasha joined in the group hug. It was about ten minutes of sobbing for me. I don't usually cry, but AJ and Sasha are two of the few people that I trust. I've always looked at AJ as a big sister. She was the only one there for me when there was no one else. Before I left for Ring of Honor, my family was very pissed at me. Her and Punk were the only people there for me. They opened up their house to me while I was training and would not accept a dime in rent. I will always be thankful to them for that. AJ and Sasha and I decided to go to the gym. I would keep an eye on Sasha the entire time though.

We got in and luckily we were the only ones there. I went up to Sasha. "You want to spar shorty?" She smiled and nodded. "AJ can you ref?" She nodded and climbed into the ring. We both climbed in after her. 

"Damn you wore me out." I said panting. "I can see that." She said laughing. She had totally owned me in that sparring match. "You're lucky I love you so much." I said smirking and then gave her a quick kiss on the lips. She then grabbed onto my hand and squeezed tightly. I followed her gaze and saw Bray Wyatt there. He had come alone, which is not like him at all. He came up to us, and I got her behind me. "Sister Abigail, why are you hiding behind this one?" "Bray, don't call her that, if you don't stop sending her texts, I'm going to kick your ass, got it?" He didn't answer, all he did was stare at Sasha with a creepy smirk on his face. I snapped in his face and that broke his gaze. "What do you want Wyatt?" "That's the problem. Everyone in this world wants something. Me? All I want is for our Sister Abigail to come to her senses and join us. Come back where you belong Abigail." He said looking at Sasha. "Bray, you listen to me and you listen good. You talk to, or even look at my girl like that again, I will put you in the fucking hospital am I understood?" All he did was laugh and walk away. I turned to Sasha. "That's it. I don't give a shit about the rules. You and AJ are staying with me from now on." They both nodded. They knew that they were not going to talk me out of this. I'll talk to Hunter about this at Raw.

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