Chapter 47 Wrestlemania

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Austin's POV

I'm going for my third WWE world heavyweight championship tonight and I am only twenty-two years old. I was not even able to celebrate my birthday because of the shit that Punk pulled. I was able to celebrate Sasha's birthday with her, and that was nice because we were not able to do much together after I lost the TLC match. But after I win tonight, Sasha and I are going to celebrate. 

They had just showed the promo of the match and it ended with me saying, "Maybe you're right, maybe I can't beat you. But what if I can?". Punk went out first and if he was nervous, he was doing a great job of concealing it. I went out to Eddie's theme music for the first time since the Shield got back together. I did not even wait for the bell to ring. I ran up and hit him with a Lou Thez Press. Right now I'm letting go of a month in a half worth of aggression that has been building up while I was not able to wrestle. I then threw him out of the ring and put him on the announce table. I then went back up on the apron and tried to hit him with a springboard moonsault through the table but he moved out of the way at the last second and I went crashing through the table myself. He then went under the ring and grabbed a trash can and a trash can lid and threw it into the ring. He then grabbed a table and slid it in the ring. He got me up and tossed me back into the ring and I was struggling to get up. He put the table in the corner and put me on it. He tried to punch me but I blocked and hit him with an uppercut and put him on the table. I ran at him to try to spear him through it but he sidestepped at the last second and I went crashing through another table. He covered but I kicked out at two. He then went right back on the attack. He then clotheslined me over the top rope and I landed kind of awkwardly. But I reached under the ring and grabbed a kendo stick. Punk did not see me do that, so when he came out of the ring and tried to grab me I hit him in the head with the stick and threw him back into the ring. I covered but he kicked out. I then went back under the ring. I found a barbed wire 2 by 4 and a lighter. I lit the thing on fire and hit Punk in the stomach with it. I covered but he again kicked out at two. I then went back under the ring and grabbed a ladder and put it in there and grabbed another table. I then set up the table and set up the ladder. This was not enough though. I went back under the ring and found a bag of thumbtacks. I then poured the thumbtacks all over the table. I put Punk on top of the table as he cringed. I punched him in the face a few times to make sure that he would stay on. I then went up the twelve foot ladder and gave him a crotch chop. I went to the top rung and tried to hit him with a Frog Splash but he moved out of the way and I went stomach first through the table full of tacks. He then tried to pick up the scraps and go for the cover but I kicked out somehow! He started arguing with the ref and when he turned around I hit him with a wicked codebreaker. I covered but he kicked out at two. My stomach was full of tacks and I'm barely able to stand. But I'm breathing so I'm going to keep fighting. I then went outside of the ring and found a six pack of beer. These were bottled. I opened up one of the bottles and took a big gulp out of it before smashing the beer bottle over his head. I then got another beer, I opened it up and poured it all over him and again smashed it over his head. I then went up to the top rope and hit him with a Frog Splash and covered him and got the win. I got the belt and held it up. I started to take the tacks out of my stomach and damn did that hurt. I got to the back and Sasha was waiting for me with a smile on her face. I hugged her with all the strength I had left. Which let me tell you, was not much. I had to go to the EMT room to get those tacks out of my stomach. There were at least seventy tacks in me, if not more. They finally got me cleaned up and they sent us on our way.

My Time (A WWE Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon