Chapter 62

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Austin's POV

I was in the ring the next night with a microphone in hand. "I've worked my ass of my entire life to be right here, doing what I do best, performing in front of all of you. And know five masked douchebags want to come in and put that all in jeopardy? Well I say hell no! I know you five tool bags are going to be back. And we got a whole locker room full of pissed off superstars that are ready to kick your ass for invading our show! But we are going to make things even easier for ya. Next week, at 8 o'clock, you guys show your faces and we have ourselves a good old fashioned fight! That is, unless you actually have guts and you want to show up tonight. Well I'll make sure that security knows to leave the gates wide open!" With that I dropped the mic and went to the back.

Before Sasha even had her match, John Cena had a match with Kevin Owens. After about five minutes I saw the same five guys rush the ring and attack Cena and Owens. I ran down to the gorilla position, luckily Ambrose and Reigns were already there, they played The Shield's music and we all ran down there. We held our own for a little bit, but with Cena weak and Owens running away as soon as he figured out what was going on, the numbers game bit us in the ass pretty quickly. The we all heard "Sorry about your damn luck!" and the Cowboy came running down there. As soon as Storm hit the ring, all five men retreated. What the fuck was that? Cena confronted him about that. "What was that?" "What do you mean?" "There was five guys out here dominating us, and then you come down and they all run away. There were five fucking guys down here, and they run away from you. Care to explain that?" "I don't have to explain anything to you. I came down here to help The Shield." "Cena back off. I know what you're thinking. James Storm had nothing to do with those guys coming in here and attacking all of us." "How do you know that?" "When they first showed up here, James Storm was competing dipshit. You want to accuse somebody how about you go accuse Bobby Roode? He was back there when it all started." Cena just shook his head and went to the back. 

Storm came up to me after I had a chance to calm down. I was pretty pissed off after what happened out there. "You don't actually believe what that guy said out there do you?" "Hell no. You were competing when those fuckers were let in." He just nodded and walked off. "Hey asshole." Some said coming up from behind me. Fucking Bobby Roode. "I warning you Roode, I'm not in the mood for this." "I hear you think I'm responsible for letting those guys in. Well I'm not. I'll tell you who is though. James Storm." "I'm not going to listen to this." I said trying to get past him. He put a hand on me. "You sure you want to do this?" I asked him. "You know what, on second thought, I really don't give a shit." I then took him down and started hitting him with wicked jabs. I then got him up and slammed him off of the door of a storage unit. The refs then tried to get us apart but I was having none of that. I ran back at him and leaped and hit him with a superman punch. That seemed to knock him out. But at that point, a bunch of dickhead cops arrested me. 

I was just sitting in a cell pissed off until one of the cops told me that I've been bailed out. I walked out to the Cowboy waiting for me. We did not say a word until we got into the car. "Thanks for bailing me out of jail, I lost my cool earlier." "I'm not going to blame you for wanting to lash out against Roode. I was tempted to trade a night in jail for a chance to be able to punch that stupid smirk off of Roode's face." I did not recognise the way that he was taking me. "Where the hell are we going Storm?" "You and me are going out for a few beers. You need to relax and so do I." "Sounds good Storm." I got in and I ordered beer after beer after beer.  Storm did not have nearly as much as I did. I have never drank this much of anything in my entire life at one sitting. I went to the bar to get another beer when a guy recognised me. "You're that wrestler. What are you doing here?" "Same thing as everyone else. I'm getting a few beers. Now I've had a pretty shit day already so if you'll excuse me." He then put a hand on me. "Not this again. I'm warning you, guy." He then punched me in the mouth. Storm noticed this and came right to my defense. He didn't even bother trying to figure out what was wrong with the guy. He punched him in the face. I then grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it off of the guys face. He was knocked out cold after that. "Let's get the hell out of here before the cops get here." Storm said. I nodded and I got into his car and we left. I surely would not remember any of this in the morning.

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