Chapter 4 Takeover

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It's the first paper view of the new year, and hell my WWE career. It's Sasha's birthday in about a week and I'm struggling to figure out what the hell to get her. But I will worry about all that later. We are in my hometown, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and my family is going to be right in the front row tonight. But Regal called me before we even got to the arena today. He said to make things fair he is banning all outside interference. That helps a lot, since Roode was probably going to try to get involved with our match. We got to the arena and signed a few autographs before going in. I try to make time for the fans every week. But we went in and it turned out our match was fifth on the card, with Sasha's being sixth, and the NXT title match being seventh. I won't lie though, I'm nervous as hell. Storm kind of sensed that I was nervous. "Kid you nervous?" "If I'm being honest yeah. This is my chance to show that I belong here." "There's really nothing to be nervous about. Whatever happens out there, happens. But trust me when I say, we won't come in second place." That calmed me down a bit. But my anxiety is getting the best of me. I have to perform here, or game over for me. But it's time to go out. "No need to be anxious kid. We got this." Storm told me. "Alright man. Let's go out there and show them what tag team wrestling is all about." He fist bumped me and we went out as a team. American Alpha is one of, if not the best tag team in the WWE today. So if we want to show people that we belong, beating them is going to do it. Before getting into the ring, I hugged my mom, my dad, and my sister. "This is it." I thought. "A chance to prove to all the people that said I could not do it wrong." I fist bumped James before he started it out with Chad Gable. Gable was dominating him. I was so close to jumping in there and kicking ass but I did not want to get disqualified. American Alpha kept making frequent tags until Storm out of nowhere hit Jason Jordan with a Last Call Superkick. He quickly tagged me in and I went to work right away. I hit Jordan with clothesline after clothesline until I finally picked him up and hit him with a suplex. I then went up to the top and tried to go for the kill with a frog splash, but I missed and Jordan tagged in Chad Gable. He tried to hit me with a clothesline, but I ducked and bounced off the ropes and hit him with a spear. I then went up to the top and hit Chad Gable with a frog splash, while Storm knocked Jordan off the apron, and I got the 1,2,3. We got the titles and it took a moment for what we just did to sink in. We had won the NXT Tag Team titles! I hugged Storm and looked into the camera. "Your looking at the future of the WWE Tag Team division!" I jumped out of the ring and hugged my mom first. Then went to my dad, then my sister. I can't believe that this actually happened. I went to the back and went straight to Sasha. I hugged her as tightly as I could without hurting her. "Now it's your turn." I said in her ear. She nodded and kissed me on the cheek. I stayed right where I was and watched her match on the monitor while Storm went to the locker room. They put on a great match, but Sasha ended up taking the title! I met her by the curtain and pulled her close. "I knew you could do it." She was crying tears of happiness in my shoulder. Storm met us up there and Sasha attached herself to him too. "Congrats Sasha." He said. "Now we go out to celebrate." I said. "You two go do that. I'm way too tired for all that shit." Storm said. "Never thought you would turn down beer Cowboy. Alright see you back at the hotel." I said laughing.

I would not usually go into a bar like this but this is a special occasion. I was not going to drink a lot, but I would have a beer or two. Sasha and I got in. She was not quite old enough to drink yet, but I would get her a few drinks. This is too special of an occasion to be worried about the law and shit. But she is a light weight. She said that she was going to go to the bathroom, and a couple minutes later, I heard a female voice scream "Get off of me!!". It was Sasha. Some guy had her wrist. I came in and punched that guy in the jaw. "Let's get you the hell out of here." "Fine you can have her, she's not that hot anyway." I was going to let this guy go, but now I'm pissed. I went back and punched him in the face again. That one knocked him out cold. Sasha was crying at this point. I took her outside and hugged her. "I'm sorry I wasn't there soon enough, please don't cry. Why don't I take you home. You can stay with Storm and I and we will go from there." She nodded and I opened the car door for her and she got in. I got in myself and and buckled her up before pulling out of the lot. We got back to the room and of course, The Cowboy was asleep on the bed. "Well do you want to take the coach? I think it's a pull out sofa. I can take the floor."  "No. I don't want to be alone right now. Lay down with me." "Ok." I got closer to her and had her in my arms and she went straight to sleep.  

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