Chapter 31

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Austin's POV

I was in the ring with a microphone in hand the next night on Raw. "I'm sorry if I'm getting a little emotional right now guys but this is such a surreal moment. I had dedicated my match last night to the one and only Eddie Guerrero, and all I really have to say is, I did it Eddie, I did it." I said slapping my chest a few times and looking toward the sky. Before I could say anything else, the Authority came out, Seth Rollins, J and J security, Big Show, Kane, and Triple H and Stephanie Mcmahon. "We did not do anything about this before because you were owed your one on one rematch for the championship, but kid, don't think I forgot about that sucker punch at Summerslam. So tonight, your punishment starts as you take on Big Show, Kane, and Seth Rollins in a one on three handicap match." "You know Paul, that does not surprise me. Anyone opposes you and you stick them in a handicap match. I'll tell you what, you send out whoever the hell you want. You can send out the big dumb bitch the Big Show, you can send out a soft seven foot tall monster Kane send out whoever you want because the outcome will remain the same, with your men down at my feet. But seriously I got to ask Kane, what the hell happened to you? You use to be a seven foot big red machine. The devil's favorite demon. And now look at you. You're The Authority's bitch!" He had enough at that point. He tried to get me in position for a chokeslam, but I landed on my feet and took him down and hit him with wicked lefts and rights. It did not take long for the numbers game to catch up with me. It was five on one. Then Roman and Dean ran down to help out. Even with us still being outnumbered we were all able to fight them off. I then called for a mic. "Authority, you f'd up. I've taken it upon myself to reform one of the greatest factions in sports entertainment history. In case you have forgotten let me just remind you who the hell we are. We are The Shield!" I yelled as our theme song played. "We'll be down there tonight, just in case it gets to be too much." Roman said. I nodded and we all hopped the barricade and went to the back. 

Sasha came up to me when I got to the back. "What happened with Hunter?" "I have no fucking idea. Apparently he's pissed off about the punch at Summerslam." "I'm sick and tired of the Authority's mind games." "Me too, but what are you going to do? I'll see you a little later, I got some ass kicking to do." She nodded and walked away. 

We were all in the ring and Kane started it out for the Authority. He tried to get me in position for the chokeslam, but I landed on my feet and hit him with wicked jabs and backed him into the corner. I then hit him with a wicked stinger splash and then with a bulldog. Rollins then tried to get in the ring but the ref held him back and Big Show came in and hit me with a knockout punch that sent me flying out of the ring.I did not even care about the match at this point. I grabbed a chair and swung for the fences on Kane. After the bell rang it did not take long for the numbers game to catch up with me. Ambrose and Reigns ran down there afterword and we were all able to fight them off, but the Triple H's music started to play. "It does not surprise me that you decided to end the match that way, but unfortunately for you, that was not your only match tonight. There is a certain beast that never got his rematch for the title. Tonight he is going to get it." He said pointing at the curtain. Brock Lesnar came out smirking. He got into the ring and immediately hit me with an F5. Triple H then told the ref to ring the bell. The ref hesitated, but he did it anyway. Brock immediately went into the cover and the ref counted the slow 1,2, and then I somehow kicked out! Brock got heated. I mean really pissed off. I got up and signalled him to bring it. He gladly obliged and got me up on his shoulders and hit me with another F5. The ref then counted the 1,2,3. Brock celebrated his win and then left. Triple H came down to laugh at me and rub all of what just happened in my face. I had enough at this point. I speared him on the outside of the ring. I then grabbed a chair. I could her Michael Cole screaming "Think about your future kid!". I swung the chair and hit him in the back with it. I the tore down the announce table and put Triple H on top of it. I punched him a few times to make sure that he would stay on the table and went to the top rope. I shrugged and then hit him with an elbow drop through the table. He was face down and I grabbed another chair. I put the chair under his head and grabbed the other one. I then hit him with a conchairto, and at that point, Stephanie had gotten in front of me so I could not inflict any more damage. I just threw my hands up, smirked and went to the back. I then went toward the locker room when I heard someone crying. "Brie, are you ok?" She looked at me and hugged me right away. "What happened?" I asked. "Bryan... We had a fight and he stormed off." She said sniffling. "Do you want me to go talk to him?" She quickly shook her head. "Don't worry about it. Would it be ok if I stayed with you for a little bit?" "Of course. I have a spare bedroom so you can take that one while Sasha and I take the other." She nodded and we all left. Sasha talked to her for a little bit and it looked like she calmed down a bit, when she went to bed she slept like a rock.

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