Chapter 63

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Austin's POV

Sasha was pretty pissed off at me for coming home completely shitfaced last week. Saying that if I have a problem to come find her, and not to drink my problems away. Anyway, the security told me that they saw the masked men riding around on motorcycles around the arena. I told them to make sure to leave the gates wide open. There is going to be a fight tonight. Not only that, but Shane booked Roman in a championship match tonight against of all people, Bobby Roode. I guess he never got his championship rematch. I had also heard from AJ earlier. She had been staying in New Jersey and we were in New Jersey. She wanted to come see everyone, and I said ok but she had to stay in my locker room because of these guys that are going to be coming. I also told her that I would come over to her house after the show with Sasha. Damn, Roman's match is up first tonight which is weird but I'm not going to question it.

Ok, now I'm pissed off. Shane banned Ambrose, Storm and I from ringside. He said that he wanted to make sure that there is a definite champion after tonight. The winner of this match will go on to Wrestlemania this Sunday to face the Royal Rumble winner, Randy Orton. After Roman has his match, him, Ambrose and I are going out to the ring to call out the masked men.

This is exactly why I wanted to be out there for Roman's match. He just got screwed out of the title. I know all of Roode's tricks. Roman is super pissed off and he is going to kick the shit out of those guys. 

All three of us were out there and I raised a mic to my lips. "Last week I challenged the masked men to meet us in this ring, tonight, right now. So let's not waste any time, I'm ready for a fight." I said dropping the mic. They ended up showing up on the big screen. The big one started to talk with a voice changer in his mask. "Hey guys, how are you doing down there? It's a real shame what happened to you tonight Roman. And I know you are wanting a fight. But guess what? We're not there tonight. But I'll tell you what we'll do. This Sunday's Wrestlemania right? We challenge you to a three on three tag team match at the showcase of the immortals. That is unless your superiors are scared that we might destroy Vince's creation." He said. "You know what? It would be a pleasure to kick your asses in front of 100,000 people. And if we win, you leave this company alone forever." The guy just laughed and said "We accept.". 

Shane came up to me when I got to the back. "I don't like the fact that you invited five men who are not contracted to the biggest event of the year." "I didn't have a choice. If we win, they leave us alone forever. And I've been wanting to get my hands on any of them for weeks. I say it's a win-win." "Fine. We need to get these guys out of the company." "Don't you think I know that? We'll do it somehow." With that I got Sasha and left the arena.

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