Chapter 8 Takeover

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It is the day of Takeover and I have never been more pumped for a match. Actually it will be more of a fight. I'm ready to take an ass whopping, but I'm also ready to give an ass whopping. Roode has not really fucked with me since what happened two weeks ago, but I know for sure that he is going to have something up his sleeves. But I'm ready to kick ass. Before I went out there, Sasha came up to me. "Like I said, be careful out there. I know you're not one hundred percent, and I know that you will give that guy the ass beating of his life even at less than one hundred percent. Just try not to get yourself hurt." I nodded and she kissed me on the lips before I went out there. Sasha had retained her title in a friendly match against Bayley, so we will just get my match over with and then we will go celebrate, hopefully. 

We both were out there and I went right after him and we started trading punches. He then threw me out of the ring and then bounced my head off of the steel post. That busted me open. He kept going after that wound and by the time he was done, I was bleeding from my head, down to the end of my stomach. He then hit me with a Roode Bomb on the floor. He then threw me back into the ring and tried to cover but I kicked out. He went on arguing with the ref but when he turned around I hit him with a wicked codebreaker. He flew about ten feet in the ring. I covered but he kicked out at two. I then threw him out of the ring, and as he was getting up I bounced off the ropes and hit him with a suicide dive. I then went under the ring and found a kendo stick. I swung it at him but he blocked it and kicked me in the stomach, before grabbing it himself. He then swung the kendo stick and hit me in the back with it. He then threw me back into the ring before going under the ring looking for something. He pulled out a table and set it up outside of the ring. Only he was not done there. He pulled out lighter fluid and a lighter that was for some reason also under the ring. He lit the thing on fire and as he was trying to get back into the ring, I speared him off the apron and we both went through the table. I got him back into the ring, went for the cover, but he somehow kicked out at two! I was speechless. How the fuck did he kick out of that? I then threw him out of the ring and got two tables out. I set them up side by side and but Roode on top of it, before getting on it myself. I could only think of what Sasha was thinking seeing all of this. I got him up, and in a position for a DDT, only he reversed it, and speared me through the table that was right next to it. He then threw me back in quickly and went for the cover but I kicked out. Now he was speechless. He does not know how to put me away, I could see it. I could honestly say that I feel the same way. He then went under the ring and grabbed a bag. Oh shit. Anyone who watches wrestling would know what is in that bag. He proceeded to pour thousands and thousands of thumbtacks all over the ring. He then put me on the top rope, as he tried to suplex me on all those tacks, I blocked it, then proceeded to punch him in the ribs a few times, and then headbutted him and he fell on all of those tacks. I then hit him with a frog splash while he was still on all those tacks. I covered but he again kicked out at two. How the fuck? I then went under the ring and found a six pack of beer. "Oh shit." I thought. I'm getting evil intentions in mind. James and Roode used to be in a tag team called Beer Money, they used to do this to their opposition all the time. I grabbed one beer, opened it, and took a huge gulp out of it before smashing the beer bottle over his head. I then went up to the top and hit him with another frog splash and this time, I got the three count. I got the title as Roode was being loaded onto the stretcher, it took a moment for me to process what just happened. My thoughts were cut off when I saw The Cowboy himself walk down towards me. He had a  huge smile on his face. He pulled me in for a huge hug and then raised my hand. He then grabbed a mic and spoke. "Ladies and gentleman, your new NXT Champion, who isn't the jackass of the country, thank God, Austin Thomas!" We then went to the back where Sasha was the first to greet me. She attached herself to me. "Woah. You do realise I'm covered in blood right?" "Yeah, and I don't care. You did great out there babe. I'll admit you had me nervous a few times, well more than a few actually, but you pulled it off! I'm so proud of you!" I smirked at her comment and pulled her somewhere quiet so we could talk. "Listen, I'm sorry I could not tell you this before, but I wanted to take this chance to tell you how I feel." "Austin is this really a good time? I mean look at you." "No. It is a good time. Listen, I love you, Sasha. And I know you said you just got out of an abusive relationship, and it makes me want to kill whoever the fuck did that to you. So I'm good with taking it slow, I just wanted to let you know how I feel." I could not read the look on her face. All she did was hug me tightly. "I love you too, Austin." "You have no idea how happy you just made me babygirl. I love you so much Sasha. Never forget that." She nodded and I went to the doctors to get myself cleaned up. We had a two hour drive back to the hotel. "You feeling better babe?" Sasha asked me as we were leaving the arena, The Cowboy already went back so I would just ride with Sasha. "Yeah a lot better now that I got myself cleaned up. Even better than that now that I got all that off my chest." "I got to admit, I was kind of surprised you wanted to be with me." She said. I raised my eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?" "Austin, the last guy I was with, he,he broke me. I'm very careful who I let into my innercircle. I feel you, James, and Bayley are the only ones around here that have my back any more. You deserve so much better than me Austin." She said getting a bit emotional. "No. Don't say that. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You deserve a guy that will spoil you. Show you off, hell even hold hands in public. That's exactly what I want." I said not taking my eyes off the road. "But I don't get it why? You could have any girl you want but you pick me. Why?" "Because there's no one else in this world I would want to be with. Sasha, I know in my heart, that you are the only one for me." "Austin every man I've been with has hurt me. I can't give you everything a normal woman can." "I don't care about all that. Like I said babygirl, you're the only one for me. I've only known you for two months, but I feel like I can't live without you Sasha. You're, you're my everything." I think that comment surprised her more than anything. "I love you so much Austin." Sasha whispered. "I love you too babygirl. We will talk about this more in the morning, can you stay with me for the night?" I felt weird begging her to stay with me, but there it is. She nodded and I grabbed both of our bags and we walked in. I feel like we got a lot off of our chests. I feel even more closer than I was to her before. I'm in love. 

My Time (A WWE Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora