Chapter 52 Payback Part One

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Austin's POV

I just got a call from my dad bitching at me about letting my sister get into the ring with Sasha in a submission match tonight. I didn't want to. She gave me no choice. I mean I've taken chair shots before but one coming from my own sister, that hurt. A lot. Not physically but mentally. Bray and her got in my head and they know it. But that won't stop me from kicking Bray's ass and saying those two words that everybody thought would never leave his mouth. 

Mick Foley payed me a visit before the show started. "You remind me a lot of myself. I know that you're not going to say those two words. Tonight, I want you to take Bray Wyatt on a deep dark journey of your past, and I got you a little present to help you do it." He said handing me a box. "Have a nice day!" He said giving me a thumbs up and walking away. I opened up the box and in it was a barbwire baseball bat. Damn, this will be a fun night.

I saw that Bray Wyatt was going to be out there with my sister for her and Sasha's submission match tonight, so I got to be down there too. I hid the weapon in the locker room, hopefully no one will find it. 

We were all out there and Sasha started my sister out with a clothesline, and then another, and another and then finally a backbreaker. She then went out on the apron and went to the top as my sister was getting up. She then hit my sister with a crossbody. Sasha then got her up and hit the backstabber and the locked in the Bank Statement. She was in the hold for about two minutes before she finally got to the ropes. I'll give it to her. Anyone in that crippling hold for that long would of tapped out, but she didn't. Sasha made one miscalculation and my sister hit her with a droptoehold and then locked in the STF. Sasha was in it for about thirty seconds before getting to the ropes. My sister used the five count to her advantage and broke the hold at four. My sister then started working on her legs. She then locked in the figure four. Lucky it was on my side of the ring, so I was able to help Sasha get to the ropes. If I have to, cheat to win. That's what they will do. Sasha then got my sister with a forearm and then turned her around and locked in the Bank Statement. To make sure Bray wouldn't fuck anything up, I ran at him and took him down. Just then I heard the bell ring signifying that Sasha had won the match. I went in and hugged her. I guess Sasha wants to come down with me for my match, and I know my sister is going to be down there so it would be smart to have Sasha there.

I've got a lot on my mind going into this match. Whether my sister wants to admit it or not, I'm fighting for the honor of my family. I'm fighting for the honor of my girlfriend. I'm fighting for every single person that Bray has fucked with over the years. Tonight, I will not stop until I end that creepy bastard. That's the way I operate, and that's the way it's going to be. Tonight I end Bray Wyatt.

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