Chapter 78

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Austin's POV

I led off Raw the next night with a microphone in hand. They gave me a great ovation. "Thank you for that, what's up Chicago?" I asked as the crowd erupted into cheers. "You probably already know why I'm here tonight. Dean Ambrose. He, he was like a brother to me. Ambrose, I know you are back there. I want you to come out here and answer the question why? Why did you do it?" Ambrose came down as crazy as normal, the only thing is, he would not look me in the eye. "I did not expect someone like you to turn your back on me. So why? Why after everything we've been through would you turn your back on me?" He did not say anything. He just stared at the crowd that was chanting my name. "Damnit Ambrose answer me!" I said as I pushed him. He finally looked at me in the eye. "Oh I got your attention did I? You're finally going to look at me in the face are ya? Do something about it!" He turned around, and then he ran at me and tackled me to the ground. He started hitting me with wicked strikes before I finally threw him off of me. I then jumped right on top of him and hit him with wicked strikes of my own. Roman then ran down and tried to separate us but I got through him somehow and kept taking the fight to Ambrose. Then the entire security team and even half of the locker room came down to split us up and they finally did.

Shane put me in a number one contenders match against Randy Orton tonight to see who will face Ambrose for the WWE championship in a ladder match at Money In The Bank. 

I started that match out with Orton with a handshake. I then locked up with him. He then got me in a side headlock. I bounced him off the ropes and then hit him with a dropkick. He got up and I hit him with another. I then hit him with a wicked neckbreaker and went for the cover but he kicked out at two. I then went up to the top rope and hit him with a Macho Man Elbow Drop. I covered again but he kicked out at two. That one was for Bayley. I got him up and hit him with an atomic drop and then a bodyslam. I then went to the apron and hit him with a springboard frog splash. I then went up to the top rope as he was getting up. I tried to hit him with a crossbody but he reversed and hit me with a powerslam. He covered but I kicked out at two. He then started to pound the mat, which means he was calling for the RKO. He then tried to hit it but I reversed and he bounced off the ropes and I kicked him in the stomach. I then got him up on my shoulders and hit him with a Samoan Driver and I got the win. 

I had interview time after the match. Renee called my name and I came into the screen. "What does it mean to you to face Dean Ambrose for the WWE Championship at Money In The Bank?" "I gotta tell you Renee, I never thought I would be in this position. Fighting Dean Ambrose for the WWE title. But he brought something out in me last night. Something I have been trying to conceal my entire life. He does not know who-" I got cut off my Ambrose coming into the picture and attacking me. He was hitting me with wicked rights and lefts. I then threw him off of me and I started attacking him myself. I again took a whole security team and half the locker room but they got us separated. I went into my locker room to find Sasha sitting there. "What's up shorty?" "What's going on with Ambrose?" "You know, I don't even know. I think what they are trying to do is a Shawn Michaels Triple H thing." I said cringing as I held my ribs. I messed them up in the first scrap with Ambrose. "I'm just kind of nervous about this whole thing." "Me too. But I trust that this title will not come in between our friendship, so I wouldn't worry about it babe." She nodded and we got all of our stuff together and went back to the hotel.

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