Chapter 104

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Austin's POV

I talked with Storm already about the entire thing. I wanted to make sure that he would be ok too because of the whole Wyatt thing. It sounded like Bray was going to be out for awhile, I guess I broke his jaw on that superkick and he's got third degree burns on his arm, but he'll be back before I am, and I'm kind of worried about James and Bayley. He said that he would be ok and he would keep an eye on Bayley and make sure that she was safe. Jeff said the same thing. That's all I could really ask for. But it's time for the main event, this is going to be my last match for about five months.

We were both out in the ring and we locked up right away. I overpowered him and pushed him down right away. He then came right after me but I hit him with a hip toss and then another and then got him in a headlock. He then got me in a headscissors and I nipped up out of it and hit him with an elbow drop. I then went out on the apron and as he was getting up I hit him with a springboard clothesline like Punk used to do. I covered but he kicked out at one. He then tried to hit me with a spinebuster but I turned it into a DDT. I then locked in the anaconda vice. I took him a few minutes but he did end up getting out of it. He then hit me with a wicked forearm shot and hit me with a spinebuster. He then got me up and tried to hit me with a glorious DDT but I punched him in the chest and hit him with a jumping DDT. I then went up to the top rope and wanted to hit him with a frog splash but at the last second I saw that he moved and I rolled through. He was still down. Now was the time. I shrugged and then lied down. He then tried to get me up but I was able to roll him up but he kicked out at the last second. I could tell that he was surprised by that. He then tried to clothesline me but I ducked and bounced off the ropes and hit him with a superman punch. I then went into the corner and called for a Last Call Superkick. I tried to hit it but he caught me and then hit me with a glorious DDT. He covered but I kicked out at two. He then tried to get me up but I hit him with a hurricanrana out of nowhere. I then went to the top and hit him with a frog splash. I covered but he kicked out at the very last second. I then got him up and irish whipped him off the ropes and hit him with Samoan Drop. I covered but he kicked out again. I then got him up and he hit me with a european uppercut and then hit me with a spinebuster. He then locked in the crossface on me. It took me a few minutes but I eventually got to the ropes. He then got me up and tried to him me with another glorious DDT, but I got out of it and hit him with a brain buster. I then went to the top rope and tried to hit him with a frog splash but he moved out of the way and hit me with a wicked Roode Bomb and got the win. He then left the ring area and I grabbed a mic after I remembered where I was. "Well, this is really hard for me to do." I said gripping at my ribs that were bothering the hell out of me. "But, I have to tell all of you what is going on." I stopped for a second and then continued. "For a while, this has been my last match." I said as the crowd went into boos and chants of "Please don't go!". "And I wouldn't feel right closing this chapter of my career without telling you guys why I'm taking a break from wrestling. I have been offered a contract to play major league baseball for this year. And that has been one of my dreams besides doing what I do best and that is performing in front of all of you." I expected them to be pissed off about this but they continued with their chants of "Please don't go!". "Trust me though, guys, this isn't goodbye forever, this only goodbye for now. Down the road when the time is right, you'll see Austin Thomas back in a WWE ring. Before I go, I wanted to thank you all for your endless support. Without you guys, there is no Austin Thomas. Thank you guys so much, get home safe." I said as I put the mic down in the middle of the ring and climbed out of it. I saw a little girl in the crowd that was crying in the front row. Without hesitation I went over to her and pulled her in for a hug. I then walked up to the stage and took the ovation in I was getting. Then someone came up from behind me and hugged me. I turned around and hugged Storm back. 

I got to the back where Bayley ran at me and I spun her around and gave her a hug. In about seven hours I have to hop on a plane to go to Washington. So we are going to enjoy our last night together for a while. I grabbed both of our bags and loaded them into the rental car.

We got to the hotel and I grabbed the bags while Bayley went ahead. When she screamed I dropped everything and ran to her. "What's wrong?" She pointed to the bush and that had the biggest python the I had ever seen. Bayley was freaking out. I put my hands on her shoulders. "Bayley, baby, listen. I need you to go get Storm alright? Can you do that for me baby doll?" She nodded and before she left I pecked her on the lips. I then went to the front desk. "Do you have a garbage bag?" I asked the lady. "What for?" "There's a big python out there. I think I can catch him, but I need a garbage bag." "Do you need me to call 911?" "Yes, but me and my friend can probably catch him, we just need a place for him to go afterwards." She nodded and gave me the garbage bag and grabbed the phone. 

Storm got down there and I had an idea. I had him hold out the garbage bag as I tried to push him in. I found a stick out there and I tried to push him in with it. He snapped at me, but we had to get him out of there. The cop the showed up there and he had the tools to get him and there. He grabbed the snake with his tongs while Storm and I held open the bag. We did finally get the snake in the bag and the cop said that he knew where he could take him. 

I got back to the room and Bayley was asleep. I didn't want to wake her, so I put our bags down on the floor and sat down on the bed right next to her. "Did you take care of the snake?" She asked me sleepily. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to wake you up, but to answer your question yeah we did take care of the snake." "Are you ok Austin?" She asked. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm just thinking about everything that has gone down today. I went from being a full time wrestler to a major league baseball player. It's just a lot to take in at once." She smiled sleepily. "You're going to do great babe." She said as she sat up and pulled me in for a hug. "I'm sad that you're leaving me though." She said giving me a fake pout. "I'll make it up to you the next time we see each other alright?" I said smirking. She nodded and I pecked her on the cheek. We then went to sleep seeing as though I have to be at the airport in two hours. 

"Whether fightin' or spittin' my discipline is unforgiven got you backin' up in the defensive position." "An ass-kickin' anthem, heavyweight or bantam holding camps for ransom microphone phantom." Bayley and I had a forty five minute drive to the airport and we were passing time by going back in forth singing John Cena raps. 

We got to the airport and I won't lie, it was hard to say goodbye. We knew that we would see each other again soon, but we had grown so close in the last month and I really don't feel right leaving her when Bray could strike at any moment. That fucker is sneaky. But either way, this has been the best three and a half years of my life. But trust me, my career has only just begun.


Authors Note

That is the end of the first book. There will be a sequel and I'll get working on it as soon as I can. The sequel will be called "Our time". Thank you all for reading!

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