Chapter 42 Face to face with CM Punk (again)

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Austin's POV

I got to the hotel that Punk was staying in, AJ told me the room that he was in so I did not waste any time. I knocked at the door and he opened it. "You son of a bitch." I said as I pushed him down. "What the fuck was that for?!" He yelled as he got back up to his feet. "I talked to AJ today. You think you can just get away with doing that to her?" "That is none of your business kid." He said. I had enough. I punched him in the face and knocked him on his ass. "You get anywhere near her again and I will put you in the hospital!" I yelled as I kicked him in the face for good measure. I then went out of his room and slammed the door behind me and shattered it. I texted Sasha. "AJ with you?" I got a text back a few minutes later when I was waiting in my car. "Yeah. You didn't go overboard did you?" "No. I just let him know that he better not be anywhere near her again or I am going to go overboard. Is she ok?" "I'm trying to calm her down.." "Alright. I got an idea that will help. I'll be back at the room in about ten minutes." "Ok babe." I then drove to a local Dunkin Donuts and got a box of a dozen donuts. If there is one thing that I know about AJ, she absolutely loves donuts. Hopefully this will help.

I got back to the room and opened the door. I got in there and AJ looked pretty depressed. When she saw what I was carrying her whole expression changed. I smiled and handed her the box. "You alright?" I said as she started to tear into the box. "I'm ok. I mean, it's going to take a while to get past this but I'm doing ok. You didn't do too much to him did you?" "Nah. I just knocked him around a bit. Hopefully I scared him off from messing with you. I got an idea though. You ever think about coming back?" "All the time. I'm just not sure I would be welcome back. Especially with the way they are catering to Phil now." "I would love to have you come back. And I'm sure everyone else would love to have you back too. Also, I would like to keep an eye on you." "Do you think you could set up a meeting with Hunter and Steph for me?" "Sure. I don't know if you saw the end of the show but The Shield and I are now apart of the Authority." "Oh Austin, I'm so sorry. How did it happen?" "I had the match won and then that asshole Broken Matt Hardy ripped me off of the ladder and hit the twist of fate on me while there was a chair on my neck. It still fucking hurts like hell." "I bet. Thanks." "For what?" "Everything. This last year you have been amazing." "You were amazing to me these last five years. I think it's the least I can do. Why don't we get some sleep. I'll take the couch and you guys can take the bed."

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