Chapter 35

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Austin's POV

CM Punk is going to be returning to Raw next week, but that's next week. On Smackdown the next night, Bray Wyatt was in the ring with microphone in hand. "Austin Thomas has no idea what he just got himself into. You see, I got the whole world in my hands. I saved Luke Harper, Erik Rowan, and Braun Strowman. I can save you too Thomas." I've had enough at this point. Ambrose, Reigns and I ran down to the ring through the crowd to try to put Wyatt on his ass. But before we could, Triple H ran down there. "This will not be the way that Smackdown will start." "Hold on Hunter, would you shut the hell up for a second. Survivor Series takes place in my hometown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I need you to do me a favor, Paul. I need you to book a street fight at Survivor Series. Or do you need to ask your wife first?" I could see that I got into his head with that remark. "I mean, she's the one who runs the show around here right? Just ask her if that's ok. Let me ask you another question. How many times have you said, "You know, I don't think he has what it takes ahh" while you were lying in bed with your wife?" "Listen to me you disrespectful little Punk." He began. "I know that you and the self proclaimed "voice of the voiceless" are really good friends, but you don't talk to me like that. You want a street fight at Survivor Series? You got it. But let me make myself clear, if you ever bring up my family again, I will retire you, do you understand me?" I didn't say anything. The lights went out and when they went back on, the Shield and I were in the ring alone. I got a microphone. "This guy right here is telling me that we need to go to commercial. You'll go to commercial when I tell you to go to commercial. Even though this is a new look group the motto still remains the same. We are the hounds of justice and Bray Wyatt has been committing multiple acts of injustice. I got what I want, and that is a Street Fight at Survivor Series and I'll let you know one thing Bray. I am going to decimate you. You digging up the past just added fuel to the fire that has been building up inside of me. I'm going to put you in the hospital in front of my father and my sister and twenty thousand of my closest friends. Even if it means sacrificing myself, you will not walk out of that building at all. Believe that, and believe in the Shield!" I yelled before throwing the mic down as we put our hands in the middle. I did not have a match tonight, so I just headed back to the hotel. 

I woke up at three o'clock in the morning to the sound of my phone ringing. It was an unknown number. "Hello who is this?" "Is this Austin Thomas?" Someone asked with a weird accent. "Who's asking?" I asked sitting up. "It's Broken Matt Hardy. I understand you need help DELETING The Wyatts. That is why I am calling." "Listen I don't need your broken brilliance to help me fight my battles. The plan for Survivor Series is, was, and will be this. I plan on dumping Bray Wyatt on his head and walking out of Survivor Series the victor." "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure Bray Wyatt will love to have my broken brilliance on board. I'm coming back to the WWE on Monday and you'll be sorry you turned me down." He said as he hung up. I threw my phone against the wall. Somehow I managed not to wake Sasha, but Brie woke up. She came into the room with a confused look on her face. I signaled her to be quiet and I went out by her. "What the hell was that?" She asked. I sighed. "It was Broken Matt Hardy. He said that he wanted to help me deal with the Wyatts. And when I refused, he said he was going to team up with the Wyatts. I have to talk with Jeff about this. But I don't want to worry you about it, why don't you go back to bed." She nodded and before she left she kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear "You're a really great guy, Austin." before going back to bed. 

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