Chapter 24

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Austin's POV

I put a few special weapons under the ring for the Extreme Rules match tonight. Stuff that if Triple H knew about, he would make me get it the hell out of there. I might get in huge trouble tonight, but this asshole has it coming. Barbed wire boards, barbed wire 2/4s, I even put a bag of thumb tacks under that ring. I will break myself to make sure that I break Bray Wyatt. Sasha and I went out to the catering with Ambrose and Reigns before all of that though. "What's your plan tonight kid?" "I wish I could tell you, but Bray has followers all over this fucking place. I'm paranoid as hell. But let me tell you, I have a plan." "You don't need to be paranoid, man. If things get ugly, Dean and I will be down there." Roman said as Dean nodded in agreement. Sasha stole one of Ambrose's fries. "What do you think you're doing shorty?" Ambrose asked smirking. She shrugged. "Ya snooze ya lose Lunatic." She said smirking. He laughed. Then Sasha grabbed onto my hand and squeezed hard. "What's up?" I whispered. She would not answer. I followed her gaze and saw Bray Wyatt. "Fucking asshole. I'm going over there." I said getting up but Sasha held me back. "Don't. You'll get your hands on him soon enough." I nodded and sat back down. Luckily for him, he did not come over here. Tonight would have come early. "Well, I think we are going to go get ready for tonight." I said looking at Sasha. She nodded. "I'll see yo guys later." I said as we did our group fist bump thing and I took Sasha's hand and we walked off. I worked my ass off until thirty minutes until showtime. I got something to do.

Sasha's POV

Austin left the locker room about thirty minutes until showtime, and has not been back since. Bray Wyatt led off the show with mic time, and he was talking about Roman, and saying stuff like "Anyone but you Roman, anyone but you.". Then Austin showed up on the titantron. "That's real spooky Bray, real spooky. But you should not worry about Roman. You should worry about me, and getting your ass handed to you in that Extreme Rules match tonight. I'm going to tell you something about me Bray. You see, I live in a world of black and white, and that allows me to do things that some people just won't do. You'll see that later tonight you creepy bastard. But I just want you to know, I can play your games better than you. Like I'm not really here right now." He said on the screen as we all saw him come up from behind Bray and attack him. He was hitting him with wicked jabs until the security got between them and they were able to keep them apart. He smirked. "See you later tonight Wyatt!" He yelled. I got to give it to him, he can be very creative and come up with devious things to get in people's heads. He got back to the locker room and could not stop smirking. "That was awesome babe!" I said as he came back and plopped himself down on the couch. I stretched my legs out on his lap. "I can get devious when I want to." He said with that big smirk still on his face. "I will let you in on something that I did that might get me in trouble." I gave him a concerned look. "I put a few weapons of choice under the ring tonight. Barbed wire boards, barbed wire 2/4's, even a bag of tacks. He's going to pay tonight." "Alright, just be careful out there." He nodded and kissed me on the head before we just chilled until he got called out to the gorilla.

Austin's POV

I saw on the TV in the gorrilla that Bray was on his knees in the ring and yelling for me to come out. "Well shit, now or never." I thought as I heard my music play. I walked down there with a purpose and did not even wait for the bell to ring. I took him down and hit him with wicked jabs. I then hit him with a falcon arrow. I went outside of the ring and went under it. Now's the time. I pulled out a barbed wire board and set it up on the barricade and the side of the ring. I went back up to the ring and he hit me with a backbreaker. He then tried to throw me out of the ring on to the barbed wire board, but I landed on the apron. We then started trading punches until he went out on the apron with me, and tried to throw me off the apron onto the board, but I hit him with a side effect and we both went through the board. I threw him back into the ring and covered but he kicked out at two. I then hit him with the three amigos, and when he was down I went under the ring again. Table?  20 foot ladder? Yes, both. I threw them both in the ring and set up the table, but when I turned around he hit me with a Sister Abigail. But instead of going for the cover, he went under the ring and grabbed a steel chair. As I was getting up he hit me in the head with it, splitting me open. Before I could react, he put the chair on my knee and then stomped on it. He then went out and got another chair and hit the chair that was on my knee. There is something seriously wrong with my knee now. But I could still walk so I went on with the match. He tried to get me in position for another Sister Abigail, but I got out of it and hit him with a Dirty Deeds out of nowhere. He got up and I hit him in the head with the chair. He looked like he was down and out, so I set up the table and put him on top of it. I then set up the ladder and went to the top of it.

Sasha's POV

Oh my god. What is he thinking? Austin just went on top of a twenty foot ladder, barely being able to walk. He threw up a Hardy sign and went to the top rung of the ladder and hit Wyatt with a Swanton Bomb. He covered and got the win, but his knee appears to be in pretty bad shape. He limped to the top of the stage and smiled at the crowd and he went to the back. I met him by the gorilla to help him to the medical room. The doctor came in and saw him right away. "What was going through your mind when you decided to jump off a twenty foot ladder with a bad knee?" The doctor asked him. "I wasn't thinking. Actually that's a lie. I was thinking about how much hell Bray has put us through for the last month, and how much a love that woman right over there." He said pointing at me. I smiled. "You got to be more careful than that from now on. I mean I'm looking at your injury here and I think that it's possible that you have a torn meniscus." He got wide eyed. "We need to get you in for an MRI ASAP." He nodded and they got him into an ambulance so he can be taken to a hospital. 

The news on his knee was as we feared. He has a torn meniscus and he will miss about three months. He will be back at the start of August, before Summerslam.

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