Chapter 55

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Austin's POV

I'm working my ass off to get ready for this match tonight. I'm also only working on four hours of sleep but I feel energised and ready to kick some ass. 

We were both in the ring and I ran at him and took him down with a Lou Thez press. I then launched him off the ropes and hit him with an arm drag. He then went outside the ring to catch his breath. I then went over the top rope and hit him with a slingshot crossbody. I got him back up and threw him into the ring. I then went out on the apron and as he was getting up I hit him with a springboard clothesline. I covered but he kicked out quickly. I then bounced him off of the ropes and hit him with a samoan drop. I then got him up and tried to hit him with a DDT but he hit me with a suplex instead. He covered but I kicked out quickly. We then started trading punches until he hit me with one that knocked me off of my feet. He then hit me with a running senton. He pinned me but I kicked out at two. He then went into the corner and did his creepy spider walk and tried to hit me with Sister Abigail but I got out of it and he crashed into the ref. Then Luke Harper and Erik Rowan ran down there to try to decimate me. Harper hit me with a Discus Clothesline and then got me up and Rowan hit me with a superkick. Bray then called his dogs off and he hit me with a Sister Abigail. He then woke the ref up and he counted the slow 1,2, kick out. Ambrose then ran down there. He then tossed me a chair which I tossed straight to Bray. The ref took the chair from him and put it outside the ring. I used that time to have Ambrose toss me the title and I hit Bray in the head with it and quickly tossed it outside of the ring. I then went up to the top rope and hit a frog splash. Ambrose grabbed the title and took out the rest of the Wyatt family as I got the win. But before I could celebrate my win, I felt a sharp pain in my back.

Sasha's POV

I was so excited to see even after last night's brutal match, Austin was able to recapture the gold tonight. But before he could even celebrate his win, a masked man came into the ring and attacked Austin with a steel chair. Ambrose tried to come in and help but the guy got him in the face with the chair. He then faced the camera and revealed himself to be... You gotta be kidding me. Bobby Roode. I guess what Austin did to him last year wasn't enough. If I know one thing about him, he is going to be really pissed off and probably request and non-sanctioned match at some point.

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