Chapter 95 Royal Rumble

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Austin's POV

It is the day before the Royal Rumble and I'm getting to spend the day with Sasha. Earlier we went out for dinner, and it's about midnight now. This morning I was digging through my old gym bag and I found one of my old Eddie Guerrero shirts. It was the "I'm your Papi!" shirt. I'm going to give that to her as soon as she gets out of the shower.

She got out and she assumed I was asleep. When she sat down on the bed, I scared the living hell out of her. "Surprise!" "Ah! You scared the hell out of me you asshole!" "Sorry babe." I said smirking as I kissed her on the head. "Earlier today I was digging around in my old gym bag, and I found one of my old shirts." I said as I grabbed it. "I want you to have it." I said as I handed it to her. She looked at it and she hugged me. "So you like it?" "I love it." She said smiling at me. "That's not the only thing that you'll be getting on your birthday baby girl. Let's get some sleep." I said as she nodded and cuddled up into my chest and we went to sleep right away. 

I woke up extra early to go out and get her something special the next day. I wrote her a note before I left. "Sasha, I went out with Roman for an early workout. I love you. Happy birthday." It's better that I told her I was going out. I'm not telling her what I'm doing though. 

I went out to a jewelry store and honestly I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm thinking I'll get her a diamond necklace. I found a fourteen karat diamond necklace. It was about seventy five hundred dollars but I have the money and it's worth it. I'm going to give it to her later, probably after the Rumble.

The show was about to start when I heard woman screams. I ran to the sound and I found Shane Mcmahon knocked out and bleeding. I kneeled down to check on him and I looked up and saw Braun Strowman smirking at me. "You son of a bitch!" I said as I went towards him but the refs broke us up before anything could get started. 

I guess Vince put Stephanie in charge since Shane can't be here. I went to the office. I went in without knocking. "Steph I know you're in charge and I don't need you to say anything I just want you to listen." I said as I noticed there was a camera man there filming all of this. "I know you saw what Braun Strowman just did to your brother. Now I already have a match with him tonight, but after what just happened, a normal match is just not good enough. Tonight, I want Braun Stroman in a last man standing match!" "First of all, I need you to lower your voice when you talk to me. And second of all, you want Braun Strowman in a last man standing match? Well it's your funeral kid. You got it. Now leave my office." I left gladly.

My match is about to start. And of course Sasha is worried about me. I know I'm going to go out there and get my ass kicked. I didn't tell her that, but the last thing I need is to know that she's worried about me. But it's time to go out there. 

We were out there and we stood there staring at each other for a good ten seconds. He then smirked. "Run!" He said as he came at me and ran me over with a big shoulder tackle and I landed on the outside of the ring. I then went under the ring as Strowman came out of it. He has no idea where I went. I then grabbed a ladder and came out from the other side. I set it up on the ropes and ran up it and hit Strowman with a crossbody and we both went through the announce table.Strowman got up at a five count and yelled at me to stay down. I got up at about a seven count and Strowman picked me up on his shoulders and drove me through the barricade with a running powerslam. It was an eight count before I barely got to my feet. I signaled him to bring it on. He then charged at me again but I side stepped him and he went flying through the barricade himself. He again got up at a five count. We then went on fist fighting in the crowd. I then went toward where there was about a twelve foot wall. I suplexed Strowman and climbed to the top of that wall. As he was getting up, I shrugged at hit him with a crossbody off the wall and we were both down for a while. Stroman started stirring before I did. We ended up getting up at a eight count. We fought all the way to the titantron. We went up to the stage and I hit him with a wicked brainbuster on the stage. I looked around and saw that there was a ladder right by the titantron. That should do the trick. I climbed up to the top of the titantron. Shit. Here goes nothing. I then jumped off the tron with an elbow drop. Only Strowman moved out of the way.

Ambrose's POV

That crazy son of a bitch. He just jumped from a thirty-five foot titantron, missed and fell through the stage. Strowman got back up before the ref counted to ten and won the match. The refs somehow got Strowman out of there, and I ran out to where Austin was. Roman beat me down there, and the medics were not able to get him out of where he was. I looked at Roman and he nodded. We then picked him up out of the area and got him on the stretcher. He was knocked out. I know that kid. If he had any idea what we were doing he would roll off of the stretcher right away. I saw him open his eyes. He then rolled off the stretcher. "Dude what the hell?" I asked as I got him up. "I'm not leaving on a stretcher. I'm not giving that asshole the satisfaction of seeing me leave on a stretcher." He said. "Well I can respect that." I said as Roman and I helped him out of the arena area. 

Austin's POV

I really did not want to go to the trainer's room, but I really did not have much of a choice. I texted Sasha to meet me in the trainer's room and to bring my bag. That bag has the necklace that I bought for her today in it. Hopefully she doesn't look in it. I heard a knock at the door and the doctor got it. Sasha came in and dropped my bag and hugged me straight away. "Woah. It's ok babe, I'm ok." I then got a phone call from Shane. He was laughing. "You dumb son of a bitch. Do you really have to outdo me on all of my stunts?" I started laughing too. "What do you mean?" "Kid, you outdid me when you jumped off the cell, and you outdid me when you jumped off the tron." "Man you gotta understand. I did what I did for you. In this short time you have become a father figure to me. I was ready to tear the guys head off before this show even started." "It means alot to hear you say that. But you can't go and put your life at risk. I mean you got a beautiful girlfriend to worry about." "I know that. But Braun Stroman is a bully. And if there's one that that pisses me off it's bullies. But how are you doing?" "I'm pretty banged up, man. But I'm not going to let that guy have the satisfaction of putting me on the shelf. I will be at Raw tomorrow." "Alright man sounds good. I gotta go though. I got something to give to Sasha." I said as I hung up. She looked at me with a confused look. "I wish it was a better situation, but I guess now or never. You remember when I said that I was going out for an early workout with Roman?" She nodded. "Well I wasn't exactly doing that." I said as I went into my bag. "I wanted to do something special for you, you know to make up for all the bullshit that you have been going through the last three years." I said as I grabbed the box and gave it to her. "What's this?" She asked me. "Why don't you open it?" I said smiling at her. She opened it and gasped. "It's beautiful." "Not as beautiful as you. It's a fourteen karat diamond necklace." "That had to have been expensive." "Don't worry about that. I got the money and I wanted to make your twenty-fourth birthday special for you. So happy twenty-fourth baby girl." She then smiled and kissed me on the lips. 

I was not expecting James Storm to be here tonight. He surprised everyone by being the number thirty entrant and then won it all. I'm so happy for him. After twenty years in the wrestling business  he's not only going to have his first match at Wrestlemania, he's going to main event the whole damn thing. He deserves this so much.

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