Chapter 34

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Austin's POV

I was in the middle of the ring the next night with microphone in hand. "You probably know why I'm out here tonight. People in the locker room, hell even the staff at the hotel asked me what I was going to do about Bray Wyatt. Well it's very simple, but before I explain it I would like to ask Bray Wyatt to come down here and join me in the ring." The lights went out and Bray appeared on the top of the stage. "You want to know what my problem is with you don't you Thomas?" I nodded my head. "To be honest, I don't have a problem with you. I want to save you." "Bullshit." I said out of the mic. "What do you want Wyatt?" "It's no secret that you don't drink, and I know why that is. Your father is an alcoholic. And your sister, well, she is a drug addict. For your entire life your father was drunk and your sister was high." I had enough at this point. I rushed the ramp but the lights went out and when they went back on Bray was gone. I ran back down to the ring and grabbed a mic. "Don't you dare go to commercial because I got something to say. Bray, you have made this personal. I don't care what I have to do, but I'm going to get my hands on you. You won't see it coming and you won't know when, but Bray when I finally get my hands on you, it will end with me, kicking your skinny, fat, ass and putting you in the hospital." After I said that, Triple H came out. "You want to go to war with Bray don't you?" I nodded and he went on. "Tonight, I'm going to give you what you want. In an elimination style tag team tables match. But you can't team with your Shield brothers, because you can consider them banned from ringside." All I could do was smirk. I know for a fact that Jeff Hardy is here tonight, and I know that he does not have a match. Hopefully he will agree to the match tonight.

Ambrose came up to me when I got to the back. "Bro why are you smirking? We can't go down there with you tonight." "I got a plan.. Have you seen Jeff Hardy anywhere?" "Yeah he's in the catering." I nodded and headed toward the catering. I got there and spotted him right away. "Hey man. I got a tag team tables match you up for it?" "Sure. I don't have a match tonight, any strategies?" "Well, I guess we can use ladders. I mean that is what you are best at." "Sounds good to me. I'll see you out there."

I was getting ready in the gorilla as it was almost showtime. Jeff came up to me. "You ready for this kid?" "Of course. I can't wait to get my hands on the creepy bastard." "No doubt." He said smirking. Bray and Braun Stroman were already out there. I went out there and stopped half way down the ramp. I pointed toward the curtain area and out came Jeff Hardy. The look on Wyatt's face was priceless. We fistbumped and ran down there and took the fight right to them. Somehow Hardy looked to be on top of things with Braun Stroman and hit him with a twist of fate. I got Bray in position with a Dirty Deeds. We both went out of the ring and Jeff grabbed a ladder and I grabbed a table. I set up a table on the outside and Jeff smashed the ladder on top of Braun Stroman. I then got Bray up and tried to throw him over the top rope through the table, but he landed on the apron. Jeff and Stroman were fist fighting on the outside and Stroman noticed the danger and flipped over the table as I knocked Bray off the apron. I then bounced off the ropes and launched myself over the top rope with a cross body. Jeff continued to take the fight to Stroman inside the ring, so I tore down the announce tables. I then hit Bray with a Dirty Deeds and I saw that Jeff had Stroman set up on the table. He needed me to hold him on the table as he went up the ladder. He gave a Hardy sign and hit a swanton bomb through the table on Stroman. Somehow the refs forced him to go to the back. Bray was just getting up, he has no idea what just happened. I then bounced off the ropes again and hit him with a suicide dive. I then threw him back into the ring as Jeff Hardy got another table into the ring. He then hit Bray with a Twist of Fate and set him up on the table. He told me to go to the top of the ladder and I happily obliged. I went up to the top of the ladder and gave Jeff a Hardy sign and hit a swanton bomb off the ladder through the table. I heard the bell ring and my music hit, I won't lie, I was barely able to stand. Jeff threw my arm over his neck and helped me to the top of the ramp. We took one last look at the amazing ovation we were getting and gave the the Hardy sign before turning around and going to the back. 

Hardy helped me to my locker room before taking off himself, and Sasha found me in my locker room. "What's going on?" "I'm just thinking. I have no idea how Bray dug up all that information. I can't wait until next week, The Shield and I are going to go out there and put him on his ass." She smirked at that comment. "Let's get the hell out of here. You look like you're in a lot of pain so I'm driving." I nodded and limped around the room and got my stuff together. 

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