Chapter 5

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James' POV

I woke up late as hell. I did not even hear the kid get back last night. I went out to go get some food and I saw Sasha and the kid sleeping on the couch. "What the hell?" "Oh shit." Austin said. "I'm not judging you, but what the hell is going on here?" "It's not what it looks like James." Sasha said. "She did not want to go home last night. We had a bit of a rough night." "What happened?" "We had a incident with some crazy guy at the bar. Your redneck ass was passed out on the bed. I offered to sleep on the floor but she wanted me in there with her." "Kid, like I said, I'm not judging you. It was just a weird thing to wake up to that's all." 

Austin's POV

"I should get back. What time is it?" Sasha said. "Holy shit. It's 2:40. James don't we have a signing at the Bradley Center in twenty minutes?" "Holy shit is right. I totally forgot about that. We should get going." Sasha hugged me before we went. "Thank you. When you get back, I want to talk to you. Give me a call." I nodded and kissed her on the forehead before James and I got the hell out of there. It was fifteen minutes away and we got there just in time. 

The signing went awesome. We met a lot of great people. I dialed Sasha before we got out of there. "Hello?" "Hey. What's going on?" "Meet me at the hotel and let's go for a drive." "Alright sounds good." We got back to the hotel and I picked up Sasha. We stopped at a park. "So what did you want to talk about?" "Listen, I feel like there is a connection between us." I nodded and she went on. "I have not told anyone about this, but I just got out of an abusive relationship. So, if it's ok with you,  I would like to take things slow." "Whatever you feel is best, babe. If you want to take it slow, then we will take it slow. I don't want to pressure you into anything." "Thank you Austin." She hugged me and we had a nice little night out before going back to the hotel. I kissed her goodnight and I went back to the room. And of course Storm was passed out with a whole bunch of beer bottles around him. Classic Cowboy.

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