Chapter 86

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Austin's POV

Shane Mcmahon agreed to let me have mic time at the start of the show. He has no idea what I'm going to do, because hell, I have no idea what I'm going to do. But it's going to fuck this company up. 

I was in the middle of the ring with a microphone. I then sat down. "About fourteen years ago I met a guy named Phil Brooks. You guys know him as CM Punk. We instantly became best friends. And one of the lessons that he always tried to get across to me was, don't ever let anyone silence you. Be brutally honest. Well I've always been brutally honest, but since I came here I let people put a filter on me. Well those days are over. On June 27, 2011 CM Punk delivered his famous pipe bomb. And there were a lot of true things that he said, but one thing out of all that has stuck in my head." I stopped for a second and then continued. "He said that this company inside and out is filled with shameless ass kissers. Now, that is not me, it has never been, and it never will be, me. I got to where I got because I am good. Plain and simple. And now. After breaking myself to make sure that this company would stay in business, and I get screwed over by a man, well, I don't even know if you can call this guy a man. I would describe him as, a spineless prick, who isn't the man that he used to be. Now, I want to share with you a personal story about the Mcmahon's. You know how we do this-" My fucking mic got cut off. I threw it down. "Give me a mic that works damn it." I told the guy at ringside. They finally got me one. "You may think at this point that I hate my job right? I don't hate the WWE. I love the WWE. Let me tell you it got a whole lot better when Shane Mcmahon came back. I love my boss. He's not like any normal Mcmahon. He's got no fear, just like me. I just hate the people that he's related to. His sister, his brother-in-law, hell even his father is a jackass. Yes I said it. The almighty Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon is a jackass. And Shane. believe me man I know you had nothing to do with what happened last night. But I'm pissed off. I made sure that this place would stay in business, and now, I'm going to break this son bitch." I said as I dropped the mic and went under the ring and grabbed the tool box under there. Then the security team ran down and tried to stop me. I started to beat the shit out of each and every one of them. I then took a wrench and took the top turnbuckle off the ring. Then Shane came up on the big screen. "Listen kid. I know you're pissed off but you can't take out an entire security team. And try to destroy the entire ring. So right now, I have no choice. You forced my hand. You're indefinitely suspended." I smirked and grabbed the mic. "Well, I guess I have nothing to lose then." I said as I threw the mic down and went outside of the ring. I then grabbed Michael Cole and threw him over the announce table. I then threw him into the ring and hit him with a Samoan Driver. Damn that felt good. I've been wanting to do that for so long.

When I got to the back, I heard someone ask me "What the hell was that?". "Let's be honest babe. When I asked for mic time, we both knew something like this would happen." I said to Sasha. "You asshole. I was anxious the entire time that you were gone for a week. What am I supposed to do now?" "Don't worry about that. You'll do great babe. If you need anything, find Roman, Dean, or Seth. They'll take care of you while I'm gone." I said as I kissed her on the head. "Make sure you call me if you need anything. I'll talk to you later." She then gave me a kiss on the lips and let me get my stuff together.

When I was trying to leave, someone with a camera came up for the show. "Does it look like I want to be filmed right now? Piss off." I said pushing the camera out of my face. I probably fucked everything up, but it's too late now.

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