Chapter 99

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Austin's POV

I got to the hospital with AJ that my grandpa is at, and I noticed that my cousin was sitting outside waiting for me. "He's gone." Justin said. "I tried man I tried." "You're a real piece of shit you know that?" He asked as he got up. "Calm down-" I said as he punched me in the jaw. I heard AJ gasp as that happened. I spit out some blood. "What's going on?" I heard my little cousin and Justin's sister Corinne ask. "Nothing Corinne. Go back inside." I said. She did as I said and Justin sighed. He then held his hand out and helped me up. "I need to talk to my friend, you go back inside too." He nodded and went back into the hospital. I sighed and sat down on the bench. "Wow. I would of thought you would've laid him out for that." AJ said. "Honestly if that was anyone else, they would be getting their own room in this fucking hospital. I refuse to fight my family." I mumbled. She then sat down next to me a laid her head down on my shoulder. I then put my arm around her. "The only reason he did that was because we were both extremely close with our grandparents and I was extremely close with him. It all started going to shit when I moved in with you guys and I lost contact with pretty much everybody." "Are you ok?" "Yeah. I'm just kind of tired." I hadn't gotten any sleep in twenty-four hours.


I went into the hospital room and went straight to his mom. I then hugged her. "I'm so sorry for your loss Laura." "Thanks April. Um where's Austin?" I sighed. "He's still outside. And he's tired as hell. The poor thing wrestled for forty five minutes last night and didn't get one wink of sleep." "I watched last night. I didn't think he would deprive himself of sleep because of this though. Let's go down there." I nodded.

Austin's POV

My mom and AJ came down and sat right next to me. "What's wrong?" Mom asked me. "It's hard for me to take all of this in. I can't believe he's gone." I said. Mom then hugged me. "What happened with Justin out here?" She asked me. "Um I'd rather not talk about it. If you really want to know, ask him." "I think I can kind of tell just looking at your jaw." She said putting a hand up to my bruise. I winced in pain. "Yeah he got you good. I think I should go talk to him about that." She said getting up. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back down. "Don't. He doesn't know how to handle what happened. I don't blame him. Hell if I was in his position I would've done the same thing." 

My mom told me to go home and get some rest after all that, but that's not gonna happen. I got to watch the draft. Shane Mcmahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin of all people will run Smackdown, and Stephanie Mcmahon and Mick Foley will run Raw. Seth was the first pick of Raw, and I was the first of Smackdown. Finn was the next for Raw, and Storm was next for Smackdown. What happened next pissed me off to no end. Stephanie is doing this out of spite. She drafted Sasha to Raw and I know she didn't actually want her for her talent, which she has a lot of. This going to be a hard time but we both knew that this might happen, and I got to get used to it.

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