Chapter 18

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Austin's POV

I rode with Roman and Sasha and AJ to Raw tonight, while Ambrose went with Rollins. I had Roman take the girls to the locker room while I went to go talk to Hunter. I heard him yell "Come in!" and I went in. "What's up Austin?" "Um, I don't know quite how to put this. I know it's against the rules, but I'm going to have AJ and Sasha stay with me for an uncertain amount of time." "Kid you know that's against the rules." "I know. You did not let me finish though. Bray Wyatt has been stalking Sasha, he somehow got her number and is sending her these creepy texts. Listen boss, I really love her, and I would not be able to live with myself if something happened to her. So I'm asking you, man to man, please just look the other way on this one." "Normally I would tell you that I could not, but Bray is a dangerous man. Ok you can do it. But if any funny business happens while you guys are rooming together, there will be severe ramifications." I nodded and headed towards the door and stopped when he called my name. "Keep those girls safe." I smiled and nodded before heading out the door. I went back to the locker room and plopped myself down on Sasha as she stretched her legs out on my lap. "So Hunter is good with me keeping you guys with me until we figure out what the fuck to do about Bray." "Wait a second kid. Is Bray still texting Sasha?" Roman asked. I nodded. "Why that creepy little bastard. I should go find him and kick his-" "Calm down Ro. He'll get his soon enough. Just focus on your match tonight." "Yeah, I'll do that." He said as he had a really pissed off look on his face. "Dude, I've only known you for about two weeks, but I know that you're up to something." I said as he was heading toward the door. "I'm going to talk to Hunter. Let's just say at Wrestlemania I'll solve your problems." I opened my mouth to protest but he was already gone. "I don't need my friends to fight my battles." I said sighing. "Let him help out. I don't know what he has up his sleeves, but I know that it is going to be great." Sasha said trying to calm me down. "Do you have a match tonight?" She nodded. "Alicia Fox. You going to watch?" "Only if you watch mine." I said smirking. "You got yourself a deal Thomas." She said giving me a smirk of her own.  I got Sami Zayn on deck tonight. It should be a pretty good match.

I just saw that Roman had requested a no holds barred match with Bray at Wrestlemania. This is exactly what I thought was going to happen. Roman is stubborn as a mule though. Hopefully Bray will get what's coming to him. Sasha had won her match against Team Bellas Alicia Fox. "Nice job baby girl. It's my turn, you better be watching." I said as I kissed her on the lips. She nodded and went back to the locker room. 

Sami and I locked up right away. I got him in a side headlock, and took him down while keeping the side headlock on. He then got me in a scissorhold, and then I kicked up. I then irish whipped him off the ropes and leapfrogged over him and hit him with a back body drop. He got up right away and I hit him with a atomic drop and then a bodyslam. I then went up to the top rope and hit him with a elbow drop. I got him up and then hit him with a german suplex. I covered but he kicked out at two. I got him up again, but he hit me with a standing dropkick. He then irish whipped me into the corner and went for a helluva kick, but I got out of the way at the last second. I then put him up on the top rope and hit him with a german suplex off the top rope. I went for the cover but he again kicked out at two. I got him up, hoping to hit him with a DDT, but he reversed and hit me with a blue thunder bomb. He covered but I kicked out at two. He then got me up for another blue thunder bomb, and actually hit it, but his mistake was trying to get me in position for the helluva kick. He tried to hit me with it, but I got out of the way and ran off the ropes and hit him with a wicked spear. I covered and got the win. 

Sasha's POV

I was watching Austin's match with Sami with AJ, and he just got the win. They just showed a sign of respect with a handshake and they went to the back. About ten minutes later, Austin poked his head through the door. "You alright babe?" I smiled and nodded. "I just talked to the guys, Seth has a buddy who rents out rings to people, so this Saturday, I figured we could rent out a rings, and the guys and I could work with you and AJ how does that sound?" "Sounds great. I would love to learn some of the guys moves." "I got to make sure that you perfect my moves before anything though." He said smirking. I nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before we all headed out.  

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