Chapter 91

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Austin's POV

It's a week from TLC and Triple H has challenged me to a sledgehammer on a pole match. Of course I accepted. I can't wait for a chance to beat his ass at his own game. This Sunday there is going to be a sledgehammer hanging twenty feet in the air. You have to climb a ladder to get it. The first one who gets the sledgehammer can use the thing to win the match. Tonight we have a contract signing tonight, and those things never go according to plan. So this will be a fun night. 

We were both in the ring and Triple H grabbed a mic before anything was signed. "You know, when you first came into this company, I thought you had potential. I said hey this kid could be the future of the WWE. And what a three year career you've had up to this point. But this Sunday that'll all be over. You see, you could have a successful career here. But you care too much about what these people think. You care too much about the guys in the back liking you. I got to where I got by not giving a damn what these people think. I know how good I am. I don't need these people, or the people in the back to like me. But you made a mistake when you accepted my challenge. And I'm going to correct that mistake by ending your career this Sunday!" He said as he threw the mic down and signed the contract. I grabbed a mic myself. "You are wrong about one thing. I don't want the people in the back to like me. I don't need the people in the back to like me. In fact, I think they envy me. Because unlike them, I don't have to pretend to like you. And if you don't know this by now, I hate you. And now I'll just sign this contract and we can get to fighting." I said as I picked the contract up and saw the look on his face. I smirked and picked up the mic again. "Or do you have to ask your wife first?" I saw that he was shaking after that. "Let me ask you something. When you guys were in charge, how much of the show was run by you? And how much of it was run by your bean-headed wife? I mean she ran the show around here anyway right?" He picked up the mic again. "My wife is an easy target isn't she? Well I'm done. This Sunday you're going to be stepping in the ring with a man. Not the game, not the cerebral assassin, not the king of kings, you're going to be stepping into the ring with a man. A man who quite frankly you insulted, and a man who is going to kick your ass!" He said as he threw the mic down. I shook my head and smirked as I signed the contract. I can't wait for this Sunday. My birthday is on the day of TLC, and Ambrose's birthday is a couple of days from now so we are going out drinking tonight. 

We were all pretty drunk after about two hours at the bar. Seth went to go get more drinks because the next round was on him. He then ran into a buff guy and drinks went all over the guys shirt. The guy looked like he was ready to rip Seth's head off. I looked at Roman and Dean and they nodded. "Look man I'm sorry." "Sorry doesn't clean my shirt punk. I'm going to beat the shit out of you." "I don't think you are, man." I said moving beside him to back him up. "I can take both of you." The guy growled. I then wave Roman and Dean in. They came up beside us. The guy tried to swing at Seth but he ducked and I jumped into the air and punched him in the jaw. Roman then jumped and tackled him to the ground and hit him with wicked strikes. He then moved back so Ambrose could throw him into the wall and smash glasses over his head. "Shit. We better get the hell out of here before the cops are called." I said as Seth, Roman, and Dean nodded. We all jumped in the rental car and got the hell out of there. We didn't say anything until we got a safe distance away from the bar. "Thanks for having my back guys." Seth said softly. "No problem." All three of us said at the same time. "I got my brother's back." I said fist bumping Seth. The cops are probably looking for us by now. I couldn't help but smirk. The guy got what he deserved. He was looking for a fight and he got his ass kicked. 

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