Chapter 3

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We were doing NXT in Chicago Illinois, and it was the last NXT show before Takeover. But Bobby Roode was in the ring with a mic. "For fifteen years I have let James Storm be in my shadow and ride my coattails. He has supported his family off of my talent!" James had enough, and he went out with a mic. "Bobby Roode. Do I look like the type of redneck that stands in a jackasses shadow? Especially when that jackass is a dumbass. As far as I'm concerned, I still owe you an ass whooping, so here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to finish my beer, and then I'm going to walk my redneck ass on down there and kick your ass all over this damn building." He finished and then Samoa Joe went into the ring to back up Bobby Roode. I walked down there to back up Storm. I fistbumped him and then we both ran down there and took the fight to Roode and Joe. I threw Joe out of the ring and then bounced off the ropes and hit him with a suicide dive. I was pumped. Storm was on top of things with Roode, so I kept bringing the fight to Joe. By then the security got all of us apart. But Regal was pretty pissed that the show started out that way. "That was no way to start out an NXT show. So tonight, I'm putting you four in a tag team match to blow off some steam." This is perfect. I've been waiting to get my hands on Roode. 

Before I headed out there with Storm, Sasha came up to me. "Hey." "Hey. What's going on?" "Just be careful out there." "No problem." "Aye kid, it's our turn to go out there." Storm yelled from behind me. "I got to go." I said. She hugged me and we went out there. I started it out with Joe. I came right at him and hit him with clothesline after clothesline. I then irish whipped him into the corner and tagged in Storm. I picked up Joe to do a double team and Storm hit a codebreaker. He covered but Joe kicked out at two. Then Joe quickly tagged in Roode who came in and tried to catch Storm off guard, but Storm hit him with a Last Call Superkick out of nowhere. I went in and then speared Joe off the apron while Storm got the three count. I won my first NXT match. We shared a bro hug and headed to the back. We got there and Sasha came up and hugged me. "Woah. What's up?" "You won your first match! I'm so proud of you!" "Hey I was there too! He didn't do it alone!" "I know Storm." She said smiling. "Next stop, Takeover. Where we take the NXT Tag Team Titles, and Sasha, you take the NXT Women's title." She smiled and hugged me again. "You need a ride again?" She nodded. Well my first WWE paper view is on Saturday, and I could not be more excited.

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