Chapter 29

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Austin's POV

It's showtime and AJ Styles was in the ring talking about his championship win. "I did everything I said I was going to do when I came to the WWE. I said I was going to beat John Cena, and I beat John Cena! I said I was going to win the Money in the Bank ladder match, and I won the Money in the Bank ladder match! I said I was going to cash in and successfully win the title, and I did!" I had enough at this point. They played my music and I walked out there in a leather jacket with my hood up. I went into the ring and called for a microphone. "AJ, I've known you since I started training to become a wrestler. Hell you even helped train me! We've had hundreds of classic matches and I've always considered us friends. But last night I had my boyhood dream come true, and had it snatched from me in less than five minutes. Last night you pissed me off, and you should know better than anyone that I'm even more dangerous when I'm pissed off. Tonight I want to get extreme, you guys want to get extreme?!" I asked the WWE Universe. They started a yes chant. "So tonight AJ Styles.. I say we make history. Tonight for the first time ever I say we do Austin Thomas vs AJ Styles in an Extreme Rules match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship!" "Kid, you will get seriously hurt fighting me in a Extreme Rules match tonight. But I'll tell you what, I'll face you in a non-title match tonight, and if you somehow win, I will defend my title against you at Night Of Champions, what do you say?" "I accept." I said simply. He then turned his back to leave, but I launched my microphone at him and attacked him. It took a few times but security finally got us apart. "See you later tonight Styles!" I yelled smirking.

 We are doing Raw in El Paso tonight, so after my match I'm going to pay tribute to Eddie Guerrero. Since AJ cashed in on me last night, I've gotten more dangerous, he is going to realise that now. I put a nightstick in my boot to try to cheat my way to victory. I heard my music play and I walked out. Not like I normally do. I walked down there with a purpose and did not even wait for the bell to ring. I've adapted to Eddie Guerrero's style of wrestling also. I then proceeded to try to get the protective padding off the turnbuckle. The ref caught me and put the padding back on the turnbuckle. I then took the nightstick out of my boot and swung it at AJ but he ducked and then kicked me in the stomach. He then hit me with an enziguri. He tried to cover but I kicked out at one. He then went out on the apron as I was getting up. He tried to hit me with a Phenomenal Forearm but I got out of the way and he landed on his feet and I hit him with an enziguri of my own. I then went to the top rope and tried to hit a frog splash but he got out of the way and I went ribs first into the canvas. He then went for the Clash but I got out of it and hit him with a DDT. I then got him up and hit him with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. I covered but he kicked out at two.I then tried to get him up for the three amigos, but he kneed me in the head and I let him down, and he then hit me with a wicked pele kick. He then went out on the apron and willed me to get up. I then got up and he hit me with a Phenomenal Forearm. He covered but I kicked out at the very last second. He started yelling at the ref and when he turned around I hit him with a superkick. I then went up to the top and hit him with the Frog Splash and picked up the win. After the cameras went out, I grabbed a mic. "I don't want to be a downer in all this but I requested this time for a reason. We can all relate to losing someone that we care about. When I think of El Paso, I think of one man." They all broke out in an Eddie chant. "I consider myself fortunate to have been able to watch Eddie Guerrero do what he did best. I was fortunate to be able to watch Eddie Guerrero lie, cheat and steal his way into our hearts. I watched him take the fight to Brock Lesnar and I thought, I want to be just like that. Eddie Guerrero is the only reason you see me in this ring today, he was my inspiration to become a pro wrestler, and at Night Of Champions, I dedicate my match to the one and only Latino Heat, Eddie Guerrero. Right now I don't want to hear the name Austin Thomas, you know what name I want to hear." With that I dropped the mic and headed to the back. When I got to the back, Sasha came up to me and hugged me tightly. "I loved that promo you did at the end, it was so heartfelt. The tribute to Eddie was so awesome." "Thanks babe. I'm starting to fight more like Eddie everyday." She smirked. "That's one of the many things that we have in common. Eddie Guerrero was a great man." "Punk actually knew him. He stayed with him for a couple of weeks when Eddie wrestled in Ring Of Honor for a month or so." "Yeah I heard him say that one time." I smiled and took her back to the hotel. This was a awesome match. 

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