Chapter 100 My First Smackdown Live Of The New Era

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Austin's POV

Pretty much all of my friends got drafted to Raw. Roman, Dean, Seth and Sasha. We got Storm, Jeff, Bayley, Becky, and me. I got a match with The Miz tonight. But before any of that, Bayley asked to talk with me.

"What's up Bayley?" She sighed. "I know this'll seem kind of stupid to you, but Sasha asked me to keep an eye on you and to make sure you don't do anything stupid." I smirked. "Yeah that sounds like something she would say. But I can't promise that I won't do anything stupid. That's a lot of my job." She smirked back and hugged me. "Just try ok?" I nodded and went to go get ready for my match

We were both out there and we locked up. I then took him down. He then got me in a head scissors and I nipped up and got him in another headlock. I then punched him and got up. I then bounced off the ropes and hit him with an elbow. I then went on the apron and hit him with a hilo and covered but he kicked out easily. I then got him up and hit him with a springboard stunner. I then went to the top rope and tried to hit him with a lunatic fringe elbow drop but he got out of the way and I tweaked my knee on the way down. He then took me down and locked in the figure four leglock. It took a few minutes but I got out of it and I got up and hit him with a brainbuster. I then went up to the top rope, hoping to hit a frog splash and I hit and got the win. The lights then went out and Bray Wyatt appeared on the big screen. He started laughing. "I've been holding this in for a long time, because I wanted to wait for the right time. I notice that you're having trouble with your knee there Thomas. And I know why that is. You got in a car accident. You came back too early and now you're paying for it. But do you know why I know that? Because I did it." Oh that had me shaking. I should've known. Next week, I'm going to take him out.

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