Chapter 50

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Austin's POV

It was a silent car ride home. We got into the room and I plopped down on the bed. "So, what did you mean by you were done?" Sasha asked. "What I meant was, I'm done with that family. I'm so sick of it. They obviously thought it was my fault that she was abducted. I can't deal with it anymore. I've got the stressful job of being the WWE champion. They have no idea how much passion I put into what I do. I'm physically and emotionally drained. I can't do any of this anymore. I'm cracking. I'm going crazy." She looked concerned. She sighed. "I'll do whatever you need me to do. Just let me know." She then plopped down on the bed right next to me and snuggled into my chest. Man I don't know what I would do without this woman. She's been my rock through all of this bullshit. I love her so much.

I was woken up at six o'clock in the morning the next day to my phone ringing. I answered. "So I'm guessing you forgot the fact that we have your sister right now." "No Bray, I did not forget that you have her. I'll take care of you tonight but until then if you hurt her I will make sure that you never wrestle again." He just laughed and then hung up. I went back to sleep after that. I'm going to destroy him later. 

I was in the ring that night with a microphone in hand. "Bray, last night you sunk to a level that I thought could never be sunk to. Even a guy like you. Last night you abducted at defenseless twenty-seven year old woman and who knows what you've done to her." Just then he came up on the titantron. "You want to know where she is? She's in the basement." He said smirking. I quickly jumped out of the ring and ran to the back. I then heard him laugh and he said "Be very careful!". 

Ambrose, Reigns, and I knew that we were probably heading into a trap but we didn't care. All we really cared about was getting my sister out of the custody of the Wyatts and back home. We got to the door of the basement and I signaled 3,2,1 and then Roman kicked open the door. "Krista?" I said. "Austin!" I heard. I then found her and untied her. She hugged me after that. I then heard the door slam. I then saw Roman and Dean swinging at someone. I then went to defend them and I got clocked in the stomach with a two by four. I then got hit with a Sister Abigail. 

When I woke up, my sister was gone and Roman and Ambrose were out cold. I woke them up and we were all really pissed. They went to the locker room while I went to Shane's office. 

Sasha's POV

I haven't seen Austin since the start of the show. He's in a bad state of mind right now and I'd hate to see him do something that might make him get hurt. 

It's time for the main event and sure enough it is Austin vs. Bray. I expected it to be some kind of no dq match but it's not. Austin started it out with a wicked Lou Thez press. He then got him up and whipped him into the corner. He then hit him with a wicked Stinger Splash and then a bulldog. Austin covered but Bray kicked out at one. Austin then hit him with an elbow drop while he was still down. Austin then went out to the apron and hit him with a springboard frog splash. He covered again but Bray kicked out. Bray got up and had the ref distracted and Austin's sister ran down there with a steel chair in hand. She then hit Austin in the back with the chair and Bray the hit Austin with a Sister Abigail. Bray pinned and got the three count. I have to go down there. 

Ambrose and I ran down there. We told Roman to stay in the back. We got down there and I went straight into his sister's face. "What the fuck was that?" "First of all, you have no business in my family business. If he really cared about me, he would of come get me yesterday." Ambrose had already taken it to Bray. "You have no idea how stressed he is right now. And your mom and dad aren't helping. Just stay the hell away from him from now on." I then went to go check on him.

Roman's POV

The camera's were off but I was checking to see what was going on out there. Ambrose and Bray are still fighting ringside. I saw that Sasha told off Austin's sister before going to check on him. His sister then turned her around, kicked her in the stomach and hit her with a DDT. At this point, I didn't really care what Sasha and Ambrose said. I ran down there and checked on the both of them. Bray took out Ambrose so his sister joined him on the outside of the ring. "We'll get all of you back for this!" I yelled. They both smirked and started laughing. 

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