Chapter 30 Night Of Champions

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Austin's POV

WWE has finally let me switch my entrance music to Eddie's. I loved that song ever since I first heard it, this is going to be one special night.

I was waiting in the gorilla for my music to play, when Sasha came up to me. "I know you're going to give that man the ass beating of his life tonight. You just can't let your emotions get the best of you, if you do, you'll get disqualified, or even worse, suspended. Just be careful out there." I nodded and she kissed me on the cheek. I then heard someone coming up from behind me laughing and clapping. "What do you want?" I asked getting a little pissed off. "It's just kind of funny how both of you think that you will beat me tonight." "Styles, if you don't want to throw down right now I suggest you get the fuck out of my face!" He got a real pissed off look on his face and walked away. I have a feeling that AJ will be up to something, so I have Roman and Dean ready to run down there if anything sneaky happens. 

We were both out there and we locked up. I then overpowered him and threw him out of the ring. I then hit him with a springboard cross body, and I landed awkwardly on my ribs on the floor. It was starting to get hard to breath but I still fought anyway. I don't need a reason to fight, I just need someone to fight. I threw him back into the ring and got up on the apron. As he got up, I hit him with a springboard dropkick. I covered but he kicked out. I then got him up and sent him into the corner. I then ran at him and hit him with my own version of a helluva kick. He then sat down in the corner and I hit him with an elevated dropkick. I covered but he kicked out. I then got him up and went for a Dirty Deeds but he pushed me away and I got ran into the ref. I then saw two people running down toward the ring. Those same two people came in and attacked me. They turned out to be Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. They hit me with this move called the Magic Killer and put AJ on top of me and ran to the back.

Sasha's POV

"NO!" I yelled as I watched The Club dismantle Austin and then put AJ on top of Austin and ran to the back. The ref got up and counted the slow 1,2, kick out! I couldn't believe that Austin was able to kick out of that. AJ got a real pissed off look on his face. Austin was using AJ to get back up to his feet. "Never kick out!" He said and then he slapped him. Austin got pissed and slapped back. AJ got even more pissed and kicked him in the stomach and tried to hit him with a Styles Clash but Austin reversed and hit AJ with a back body drop. He got fired up and tried to bounce off the ropes but the ref was in the way and he got mowed over. After that Austin got a look on his face that said he was up to no good. He then got out of the ring and got a chair. He willed him to get up and he cracked him in the head with the steel chair. He then went up to the top rope and hit a frog splash. He woke up the ref and he counted the slow 1,2,3. I jumped out of my chair and screamed. I could not help myself, I ran down there to celebrate with him. Renee went in the ring to interview him. After she got out, he saw me. He picked me up and spun me around and kissed me on the cheek. He then gave me the belt and he put me on his shoulders. I put the title over my head as he was getting a standing ovation. This is a great moment. He let me down and he was still letting me hold his title as we went to the back. "I got to admit, I fully expected the Authority to come down there and make me defend the title, but I guess they have hearts because the knew how much this night meant to me." "I guess they do and I know that they will have something up their sleeves tomorrow night to get that title off of you, but let's just enjoy the night that you have been waiting for your entire life." "You're not going to get any complaints from me." He said smirking as he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the arena.

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