Chapter 66

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Sasha's POV

We got to the arena rather early and I went to the ring by myself for a bit. Then my phone rang. It was an unknown number. "Hello?" "Hello Mercedes." "Jamal? How the hell did you get my new number?" "Come on babe. You and I both know that your mom liked me more than you." "First of all, don't call me that." "Aw, you should really talk nicer to someone who has your entire travel schedule. I'm at the arena tonight." That scared the shit out of me. I quickly hung up the phone. Jamal was my crazy ex boyfriend that raped me, beat me, pretty much did everything you can think of. I don't think that I can let Austin know about this though. He's been so stressed out and I don't want him to do something that he might regret. I have a match against Paige so I better go get ready for it.

Paige and I had been wrestling for about ten minutes when I was getting the upper hand. I hit her with a neckbreaker and went for a cover but she kicked out at two. I then saw something that scared me to no end. Jamal was in row six staring and smirking at me. Paige took advantage and rolled me up for the three count. She got her hand raised and mouthed to me "Are you ok?". I nodded. Even though I wasn't. I got to the back and Austin came up to me. "Are you ok babygirl? What happened out there?" I sighed. I can't hide this from him. "I saw my ex boyfriend out there." He went silent. "Which one is he?" "Austin please I can handle it." "Damnit Sasha which one is he?" I've never seen this side of him before. I quickly pulled out my phone and launched the WWE app. Luckily they had a picture of him in there. I showed it to him and he nodded. "Please don't do anything stupid." Roman then came up to us. "Kid it's showtime." "You got a match tonight?" Austin nodded. "We got Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper again." "Are you sure you're going to be ok for that?" He nodded. I then gave him a hug and went back to the locker room.

Austin's POV

I'm beyond pissed off. Not only about that spineless, douchebag ex boyfriend of Sasha's is here tonight, but we have this personal rivalry being brought back as we take on the Wyatt's again. Ambrose hasn't even showed up yet. Either way we will deal with him next week. Roman and I were going through the crowd. Just like the Shield. But we only have two thirds of the Shield right now. I saw Sasha's ex boyfriend, but I made no move to go over there. Yet. Roman started it out with Luke Harper. They had been wrestling for about ten minutes when Roman hit him with a spear. He went for the cover when Bray broke it up. i then went in and threw him out of the ring. He then ran outside and into the crowd. I met him there.

Sasha's POV

I don't like this at all. Austin just ran after Bray who went into the crowd. Austin hit Bray with a Last Call Superkick, and turned around to punched out Jamal. Oh no. Back in the ring Harper hit Roman with a Discus Clothesline and picked up the win. Austin ran back to the ring and chased Harper away. He went to check on Roman but he is really tired.

Austin's POV

I got Roman up. "Bro what the fuck was that?" "Man I don't even know what to say. Something came over me. Ya know the overprotective boyfriend thing came over me." I said as we got to the back. "What was it about?" I sighed. "Sasha's ex boyfriend was in attendance. It was the same asshole who abused her." He got silent. I don't think he knows what to say about it. "What the fuck was that?" Sasha asked coming up to me. "What?" "I told you not to do anything stupid!" "Oh, I didn't realise protecting my girlfriend was stupid!" "That's not protecting me! Do you realise you can get fired for pulling a stunt like that?" "You know what I'm done. Roman can I stay with you tonight?" He nodded. I then walked away.

Sasha's POV

I watched Austin walk away with tears in my eyes. Roman noticed this and hugged me. "You do realise the only reason he did that was because he loves you so much right?" I nodded. "I warned him about that though. Like I said he could be fired." "Believe me he knows that. Just that he's willing to sacrifice his dream job for you should tell you something." I never thought about it like that. I thanked Roman for comforting me and I went back. I really hope Jamal does not know where I am staying..

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