Chapter 6

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Austin's POV
I found a memorabilia store in Michigan, and I went in there because I love sports. I found a chair from the 2004 No Way Out paper view, the one where Eddie won the WWE title, that's perfect for Sasha. It was a couple hundred dollars, but it's totally worth it. But tonight, Storm and I are supposed to defend our tag titles tonight. I will give Sasha the chair later, but I know Bobby Roode will have something up his sleeves. James and I got there and went our own ways. We would meet up by the gorilla before the match.

Sasha's POV

They have been calling Austin's name to the gorilla for five minutes, so I went to go find him. But I saw him on the ground beaten and battered. "Oh my god! Help someone help!" The doctors got him to the back, he is pretty fucked up. But he can't compete, so that means the James and him would have to forfeit the titles. I know that will piss him off more than anything. James handed the titles over, although I could see he was very pissed off about it. Austin had to get thirteen staples in his head to close up the huge cut that he had. "Do you know what the hell happened to the kid?" James asked me. "No. I found him beaten and battered while they were calling you guys to the gorilla. "I think I know who did this." "Who?" "Roode. He was pissed off from the moment he heard we had a tag title shot, and now he gets a NXT title shot. It's pretty fucked up, but I don't think Regal thought something like this would happen. But something I know about the kid is, even against doctor's orders, he will be there next week." "Yeah. He is so stupid sometimes but I love him for it." He smirked. "Yeah. He's is a dumbass, but that's why he's so loveable." We went back into the room, and Austin looks pretty pissed off. "Are you ok?" I calmly asked him. "Yeah. I'm just super pissed off." "Do you have any idea who might of done this?" I asked. "Nope. The bastard got me from behind." "I'm pretty sure Roode did it." Storm butted in. "How the hell do you know that?" He asked. "Think about it. Who have you pissed off so bad that they want to jump you from behind like that?" "He has a point there Austin." "You're right Storm. I'm going to be there next week and I'm going to kick his ass." "Holy shit." Storm said looking at his phone. "What the hell was that?" Austin asked. "Dude, this pisses me off as much as it does you, but Roode just won the NXT title." "Son of a bitch! I'm going out there." "Austin please don't. You need to rest, at least for a week." I said trying to calm him down. "Fine. Next week I'm going to go out there and make a statement against that jackass." I smirked. "Thank you Austin. I really think that is best." He winked at me. "When we get to the hotel, I got a surprise for you. Your birthday is in a couple of days right?" I smiled and nodded. "I'm not very good at keeping presents that long, so swing by when you get back." I nodded and left the room as Storm and Austin started to get there stuff together. 

Austin's POV

I got to the room and a couple minutes after, there was a knock at the door. "Hey babe." I said. "Hey handsome." She said back. "Wait here." The chair was in the room I went to go get it. "I'm not real good with surprises, so here." I said coming out with it. I gave it to her and it looked like she did not know what to think. All she did was throw her arms around my neck and kissed my lips. "Woah, I was not expecting that." She was crying. "Where the hell did you find this?" She said looking at it. "It was at a sports store near here. So do you like it?" "I love it." "That's good." "How much was it?" "Don't worry about that. I just hope you enjoy it." She smiled and kissed me on the lips again. "I'll see you later Austin." "Ok babe have a good night." I kissed her goodnight and she went back to her room. "Well that went about as well as to be expected." Storm said laughing from behind me. "You got that right Cowboy. Your turn to take the couch." "Uh damnit." He groaned. I laughed as I threw a pillow at him. "Night Cowboy." "Night kid." He said falling asleep quickly. Despite everything, it was a pretty damn good day.

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