Chapter 75

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Austin's POV

I was still kind of beat up after what happened last week. But I'm competing tonight. But before that, I have a interview. Renee called my name and I came into the screen. "What do you think about Decay coming into the company and winning the tag titles right away?" "There is one thing that they need to understand. They are in a lot of trouble because I won't go away. Renee Young, I'm not all there. I admit that. But you know what? I'm staying in the WWE forever and forever and forever because there is no man that can put me down Decay! In just a little while Jeff and I are going to be walking down that aisle, and we are going to kick your ass and walk out tag team champions! In fact I can't wait!" I said as I started pacing around in the camera's picture. "I got one more question." "What's your question?" "Did you seek out any help for your problems?" "Yes I did. I saw a woman psychiatrist and she said I was OCD One Cool Dude. And she understands the way I think right now! Now I gotta go kick Decay's ass, it's going to be a good one. Make sure to watch." I said to her smiling. She nodded and I walked off.

Bayley came up to me smiling after that. "That was a classic Macho Man promo wasn't it?" I smiled back at her and nodded. "How's the back of your head doing?" She asked. "It's doing better. I'm just afraid that the stitches will split open during the match and everyone is going to wonder what the fuck happened." "I'm sorry Austin." "Would you quit apologizing already? It was my choice to go and kick that guys ass." "I still feel so bad." "Don't. Like I said I got him just as good as he got me. Whatever it takes I'm going to keep you protected." I said as she gave me a quick hug before I went to the curtain.

Decay went out before us. I went out first for my team and stopped at the stage. I then pointed at the curtain and Jeff's new song that was called "obsolete". But it was a piano version He came out with a microphone and started singing. "They'll fade away and classify themselves as obsolete." We then ran right into the ring and started attacking
them. There were a whole bunch of weapons around. I think I even saw a staple gun there. Jeff threw Abyss at me and I hit him with a wicked cutter. I then saw that Craazy Steve was going to the top. I then ran over there and hit him with a punch that stopped him in his tracks. I then hit him with a dropkick that knocked him outside through the trash can that was out there. Steve would be out for a while. We then turned our full attention to Abyss. Jeff and I got him up and hit him with a double suplex. Jeff then got him up and hit him with a twist of fate. I then went outside and got a kendo stick. I then went crazy on him. After I broke the kendo stick, Steve came back in and hit me with a wicked headbutt that knocked me out for a while. What I did not notice is that he had the staple gun on him. While I was out, he staple gunned Jeff's forehead. As soon as I figured out what was going on, I tackled Steve and hit him with wicked rights and lefts. I then threw him out of the ring and bounced off the ropes and jumped over the top rope and hit a crossbody. I went under the ring and noticed something. I think Abyss put two barbed wire boards under the ring. I smirked because I am going to use these against him. I threw them both in the ring and got Abyss up. I then body slammed him into one of them, and the I put the other on top of him. I then went up to the top rope and hit a frog splash on top of it. I then threw the other one off and pinned Abyss. He somehow kicked out at two. Jeff got up, I saw that he some how took the staple out of his head because he was bleeding. I then picked up Abyss and tried to hit him with my new finisher, the Samoan Driver, but he got out of it and hit both me and Jeff with a wicked choke slam. He covered me but I kicked out at two. Abyss then went under the ring looking for another weapon. He pulled one out which was, oh shit. This guy is sick. He pulled out a two by four with nails in it. I guess he calls this Janis. I saw that Steve picked up Jeff and held him out to be impaled by Janis. But I tackled Abyss and he dropped the weapon. Jeff started to fight back against Steve and hit him with a twist of fate. I then picked up Janis and gave it to Jeff. I then picked up Abyss and Jeff hit Abyss in the stomach with Janis. He then looked at me. I knew exactly what he wanted me to do. I then went under the ring and grabbed two ladders and two tables. I threw them both into the ring and Jeff set them up. I then put Abyss on one of the tables and Jeff put Steve on the other. We then went up the ladders and looked at each other and then shrugged. We then both flipped over the ladder and put both of them through their tables. We then did a double cover and the ref counted to three. Jeff and I got up straight away as we heard the bell ring. We got the titles and shared a bro hug in the middle of the ring. 

As soon as I got to the back and Jeff and I went our own ways, I saw that Bayley was pinned up to a wall by her boyfriend. As soon as she saw me, she kicked that asshole low and ran over and hugged me. I dropped the belt and went to go take care of that guy. "Go find Roman and Dean!" I yelled to her. But she was frozen in her tracks. "Get your ass up." I said as I got him up and then punched him in the stomach. "You're lucky that she is over there otherwise I would finish you off right now!" I yelled as I kicked him in the face. My head is ringing after that match but I'm still super pissed off that this guy would have the nerve to put his hands on her again.  At that point the cops came in and cuffed the guy right away. I figured that they would arrest me too but they just took him away. I went back up to her and she hugged me again. I picked up the belt and I took Bayley back to my locker room so she could talk to Sasha. I'm not very good at calming down people, and Sasha is one of the best at it. After about two hours I took them both back to the hotel. Bayley stayed with us and I slept like a rock. 

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