Chapter 81

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Sasha's POV

It's about three in the afternoon and Austin said that he wanted to take me for a drive. We are back in his hometown Milwaukee for Raw. "Where are you taking me?" I asked him. "A place that means alot to me." He said. We then pulled into what looked like a high school football field. "What's this?" I asked as he jumped over the fence and helped me over. "This is my high school football field. It's abandoned now, but there were a lot of good memories here. And the not so good memories." He said as we sat down on the bleachers and he put his arm around me. "There was actually a point where I could've had a football scholarship, but I tore my ACL and all that was taken away." I looked at him confused. "What knee was that in?" "The same one I tore my meniscus in. And I'm about to tell you something that I have kept concealed since I left the house.." "Ok?" "After I tore my ACL, my mental health skyrocketed. And at that point, I couldn't take going to school anymore. So I left. I'm a high school dropout. " He sighed before he continued. "I was so pissed off at the world at this point. My family was pissed at me, and I was pissed off at them. That's when I moved down to Chicago. Punk and AJ opened up their house to me while this was going on and would not accept a dime in rent. I'll always be thankful to them for that. I mean Punk and I were as close as brothers. I expected AJ to be kind of weird about someone she barely knows moving into their house, but she was so sweet about it. That's part of the reason why I'm so close with her." I smiled. And then I sighed."This is so much to take in at one time." "I don't expect you to say anything about it. I just thought you should know. Honestly the only people that know that about me are my family, Punk and AJ. I'm surprised that Punk hasn't blabbed about that yet."

Austin's POV

"I just got one question though." Sasha said. I nodded. "Didn't you need to show your diploma to Hunter to get the job here?" She asked. I shook my head. "Hunter never asked for it. I just did my tryout and he said "You got the job kid." and that was that." She smiled after that. "Thank you for sharing this with me. It takes a man with guts to do something like that." She said as she kissed me on the cheek. I saw someone I really did not want to see after that. "Shit. Here comes trouble." I said standing up. "Get behind me." I whispered to her as she obliged. "What's up asshole?" "Don't start with me, man. The last time you saw me I wasn't in a good mental state, and hell, I still ain't." "Austin, who's this?" Sasha whispered. "I could ask you the same question." He said glaring at her. "Josh, I'm warning you right now. If you talk to or even look at her like that again, you're not going to walk away from here." I said as I got her behind me more. "Oh I understand what's going on here. You finally got someone to be your girlfriend huh? Well good job." He said sticking his hand out for me to shake. I slapped it away. "I may have had to play nice with you for football, but I fucking hate you. And nothing's going to change that." "How's that bum knee holding up?" He asked giving me an evil smirk. "You know it's good." I said slapping it. "I'm a pro wrestler now and I make a hell of a lot of money." "Wow, I didn't think you would have it in you. I'm going to leave you alone now. I don't want to get my ass kicked." He sarcastically said walking away. "God I hate that guy." I said taking a deep breath trying to calm myself down. "He was part of the reason I even tore my ACL. When I first took the fall, I sprained it. He took it upon himself to step on my knee on purpose and that's what tore it. I hold that prick responsible." "Let's get your mind off of it. What position did you play in football?" "Free safety. I was one of the best free safety's in the country until that happened. But you know, even if I could get a scholarship, I probably wouldn't of taken it. Because my one passion is wrestling. It's been that way my entire life and nothing is ever going to change that." 

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