Chapter 93

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Austin's POV

The WWE just announced the brand extension draft the day after Wrestlemania. Shane Mcmahon is the commissioner of Smackdown and Stephanie Mcmahon is the commissioner of Raw. And I'm worried about it. Last week Triple H came out to the ring after my match. He asked me for one more match and he wanted me to put my Royal Rumble spot on the line. I asked him if he thought that I was stupid enough to put my Royal Rumble spot on the line. He then said that he knew I would be to scared to do it and then tried to walk away. I stopped him and said that he didn't let me finish. I am stupid enough to put my Royal Rumble spot on the line, and tonight we have a  match with the Royal Rumble two weeks away. So I better go get ready for this match. 

We were both out there and we started with some chain wrestling. He got me a in a side headlock and I bounced him off the ropes and hit him with a shoulder block. I then got him up and hit him with an arm drag and then got him into an armbar. He got out of it and then got me in a headlock. I kicked up out of it and got him into one of my own. He then got out of it and elbowed me in the head. He then bounced off the ropes and hit me with a knee drop. He then hit me with another one. He then got me up and hit me with a wicked neckbreaker. He covered but I kicked out at one. He then got me up and hit me with a spinebuster. He covered again but I kicked out. He then got me up and tried to hit me with a pedigree but I reversed it into a back body drop. I then bounced off the ropes and hit him with an elbow drop. I then went out to the apron and as he was getting up I tried to hit him with a springboard clothesline but he caught me and hit me with a pedigree. He covered but I kicked out at two. He got me up and hit me with a wicked chop that knocked me off my feet. He then hit me with an elbow drop. He got me up and I hit him with a european uppercut. I then hit him with a springboard crossbody. I then went to the top rope and hit him with a frog splash. I covered but he kicked out at two. I then got him up and irish whipped him off the ropes and hit him with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. I then got him up and hit him with a brain buster. I then went up to the top rope and tried to hit him with another frog splash but he moved out of the way at the last second. He then got me up and hit me with another pedigree. He covered but I kicked out at the very last second. He then got me up and irish whipped me into the corner. Only the ref was in the corner and he got knocked out. Triple H then went and got his sledgehammer. He then got back into the ring and as I was getting up he hit me in the head with it. He then waved down another ref as he went in for the pin. The ref counted to two before I kicked out. He couldn't believe it. He then knocked that ref out and got me up and hit me in the head with the sledgehammer again. He then hit me with another pedigree. The first ref woke up and Triple H covered and got the win. 

When I got to the back, my head was ringing I noticed that I had a missed call from someone I hadn't talked to in a while. I called her back. "Hello?" "Hey Brie. How's it going?" "I'm just kind of having a hard time right now. Bryan and I are getting divorced." "Oh Brie. I'm so sorry." I said as I heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" I said out of the phone. It was Roman. "One second Brie." "What's up?" I whisper yelled at him. "Oh I didn't realise you were on the phone. Come to the catering when you're off I want to talk to you." I nodded and he left. "So what happened?" "He just turned into an asshole. He's not the guy that I married." "He's been having problems with his mental health right?" "Yeah. He doesn't know how to handle it. You've been handling yourself pretty well." "What?" "I talk to Sasha when I need help. She says you've been having some troubles with that yourself but you've been handling yourself ok."  "I've been dealing with problems like that since I was twelve years old. I've found a few coping skills. I got to go though. I have to go talk to Roman, call me later if you need to." "Ok I will." I'll talk to you later." "Ok." She said as we both hung up. I have to go see what is going on with Roman.

I found him in the catering sitting by himself. "What's up Roman?" "I've been having some trouble with my wife the last few months. She can't take the fact that I'm never around. And she said she wanted a divorce. I don't know how to deal with this man." He said as he put his head on the table. I rubbed his back. Man, the Samoan Superman is at his worst right now. "What the hell are you going to do?" "I guess my daughter is going to be traveling with us until we figure out what is going to happen." "If you need anything man, I'm here for you." I said as he nodded. I then grabbed Sasha and we headed back to the hotel. I figure that Triple H is probably not going to be there next week. I'm going to call him out anyway though. Or Stephanie. One of the two. I know Stephanie has more guts than Triple H, so it'll probably be her.

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