Chapter 77 Battleground

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This whole storyline with Ambrose is supposed to start tonight. That guy is so unpredictable I'm just hoping this won't come between our friendship. But my anxiety is getting the best of me, so I called the only person I thought to. AJ. I dialed her number and called it. "Hey Austin. What's up?" "There's just some things on my mind I don't really know where else to go." "What's up?" "So we got a match with Decay tonight for the tag team titles, and I'm supposed to be starting up a storyline with Ambrose. I just have this sneaky fucking feeling that this thing is going to come between our friendship, and I can't shake that feeling." "Ambrose has had your back this long. And you've only had one disagreement so far right?" "Yeah. I just, he's fucked up before, and honestly nobody knows what he's going to do. His mind, it's very dangerous. Who knows what's going through it?" "You call that man your brother. You have to trust him through all of this. Sure it's about the WWE championship, but he's trustworthy. I wouldn't worry about it." As soon as she said that, I guy came and told me that I got fifteen to get to the gorilla. "Yeah, ok. Alright AJ. Thanks for talking to me, I got to get to the gorilla now." "Alright. Take care of yourself Austin. If you want, call me after the match." "Ok thanks Ape." I said as I hung up. I took a deep breath before going to the curtain. 

I wore a Legit Boss tee shirt out to the ring for Sasha because she said I never put her over. I started it out with Abyss. I ran right at him with a jumping clothesline and then another, and then I hit him with a sidewalk slam. I then went out on the apron and hit him with a springboard frog splash. I pinned him but he kicked out. Then I saw Rosemary coming down. She jumped up on the apron and sprayed the green mist in my face. Luckily I landed in my corner and Jeff tagged himself in.

I woke up outside of the ring and still couldn't see shit. I splashed water in my face and slowly gained my vision back. I then jumped back up on the apron and saw that Jeff was getting his ass kicked. He saw that I was back up on the apron and was able to kick Steve in the face and quickly tag me in. Then Ambrose's music started to play. He walked down with his belt and stood up on the announce table. Steve took that time to spit the green mist in my face again and roll me up for the three count. 

Ambrose's POV

I smirked as Decay got the titles and left the ring area. I then went into the ring and hit the Dirty Deeds on him and smriked. I held the title up and then the camera's went off. I'm officially a heel.

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