Chapter 25

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Austin's POV

I'm going to be making my return tonight after three months of rehab. It was hell but it was totally worth it. And to top it all off, Triple H is putting me in a match to see who faces Brock Lesnar at Summerslam for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. I have no idea who I'm facing, but it should be good. I'm used to adapting, it's all I used to do down in NXT. Also, AJ Styles ended up winning the Money In The Bank ladder match, I have a bad feeling that the title is going to come in between us, but I can't worry about that right now. Damn, I'm getting kind of nervous. I'm this close to getting the match I have been waiting for my entire life, but I have some unknown character standing in my way. 

We got to the arena and Triple H met me in the catering. "Thanks for putting me in this number one contenders match tonight." "Well, you earned it. I was going to give you a shot after that Extreme Rules match, but you know what happened. I got you a very surprise match-up for tonight. I know you were a big fan of his back in the day. That's all I'm going to say, you'll have to find out who he is tonight." He said shaking my hand. Well now there are a whole bunch of names swirling around in my head. I guess I will find out soon enough. 

I heard my name called to gorilla and I'm pumped. I went out there to fifteen thousand screaming fans chanting "Welcome back!". I slapped a few fans five and slid in the ring. I was waiting for about fifteen seconds before some music played that I have never heard before. Then Jeff Hardy for the first time in five years walked down a WWE ramp and got into a WWE ring. I shook his hand before we locked up. I then got him in a side headlock and took him down. He then got me in a scissors hold. I did a kick up and got him in another headlock. He then rolled me up for a count of two and then I kicked out. We both got up and I hit him with two hip tosses, and then with a jumping DDT. I covered but he kicked out at two. I got him up and tried to hit him with a Dirty Deeds, but he reversed and hit me with a twist of fate out of nowhere. He then went up to the top to attempt the Swanton Bomb, but I got out of the way and locked on the Anaconda Vice. He then elbowed me in the head which caused me to let go of my grip and he got me up and hit me with a hurricanrana. He then called for the twist of fate, and tried to hit it on me but I reversed and hit him with the three amigos. I then went up to the top and gave them a Latino Heat shake, and tried to hit the Frog Splash but he got out of the way and right away hit me with a twist of fate. He then went to the top and actually hit me with the Swanton Bomb and tried to pin me but I kicked out at the very last second. He gave the ref an evil look and turned his attention back to me. He got me up and tried to hit me with another twist of fate but I pushed him off of me and bounced off the ropes and hit him with a Spear. I then went up to the top and hit a frog splash. I covered and got the win. After the ref raised my hand, I went over and helped Jeff up. He raised my hand and gave me a bro hug. "You deserve this match at Summerslam. Go and take that title from Lesnar, you deserve it." He said and I nodded and gave him another hug. From what I heard, Lesnar and Paul Heyman are suppose to be there next week. It will be an interesting meeting.

My Time (A WWE Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ