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It had taken me a little more than 1 and a half years, starting from the winter of seventh grade, to get the book to what it's like now. 

It would be a crime if I didn't make room to thank the following for very valuable contributions to my work.

First, I would like to thank Emily Barbera, dreamofabetterworld, who started off this novel with the idea of transforming each person in our class into a character in a book. It was so simple, but so important. She was Kate, and I was Kyle. It was also a big help writing the draft for the early Kate chapters, which helped get the story rolling from just a few pages of writing, to the book it is now. Without you, the book simply would not exist.

Secondly, I would like to thank Tasneem Pathan, tasneempathan13, for a great amount of help proofreading many of the chapters in Part 1 by giving me huge lists of corrections. I know we didn't exactly get along, so... if anyone finds any grammar or spelling mistakes, feel free to complain to her. ;)

Finally, I would like to thank everyone else who helped me accomplish this task along the way, whether it was just reading a few chapters or just giving me advice. Every detail is important, and with the help I got, I was able to finish everything I wanted to. Thank you! ;)

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